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Everything posted by jarmor

  1. Interesting! I wonder if a deal fell through for them to be offering it at a discount. I wonder what the price is?!?!? (goes to check bank account and credit score lol)
  2. Yeah. I'm sure it won't be a successful investment... Roller coaster enthusiasts praise GCI for their classic wooden coaster layouts, but when it comes to B&M's classic steel coaster layouts it's somehow cool to make fun of them. Not everything needs to be ground breaking to be good. Calm down and come off your soap box. If you would look below my post, you would see where Adam referenced a "Freudian slip" as he had mistakenly stated hyper vs giga. So yes, not everything needs to be groundbreaking and also not everything is making fun of something . Joey's on the money with this one, especially with S&S, who actually builds full-scale prototypes like coaster companies liked to do in the 80s and 90s. You'll also see new concepts previewed in the brochures and literature that the companies give out, I know Intamin is showing a single-rail like design in their latest one (but only a single image for it). Vekoma did the same for their new Suspended Thrill Coaster design in last year's book. THIS is how I have been feeling! I don't know if the industry has plateaued or what but it seems like I haven't had the feeling if needing and wanting to go in a while because it's just eating bear claws, riding a flat or two and looking at the cool horror animatronics. Hopefully some new concepts will come in the near future.
  3. I mean, it's nothing groundbreaking about the ride to warrant so much chatter about. But you can also post pictures and updates as a lot of us are not near that park to have constant updates.
  4. That looks little to you? It seems to be the same width as the seats, but not train.
  5. I mean, what's a few more days/weeks when we've been waiting over a decade . . .
  6. Without looking, do any other RMC coasters have lead cars? I don't remember seeing any.
  7. ^ Here is a link to help you navigate public transportation in and around the LA area. I use it as my bible when there!
  8. Didn't know they had public transportation routs on their site! And they are accurate as that is the route I took. If I had to gripe it would be about having to transfer twice but I literally got off one bus onto the other with no time in between. I definitely recommend it if you have at least 2 hours before and after the park to spare.
  9. I just did it about a month ago. Now, location is key as I was staying on Hollywood blvd and Western. I ended up taking the metro rail red line to the North Hollywood station. From there, I took the Santa Clarita 757 to the Valencia blvd/Mcbean transfer station. Got on the Santa Clarita 7 (Magic Mountain) and got off at Magic Mountain. Overall the trip took about 1 hour and 40 minutes BUT it cost me around 6 dollars. I left a little after 7 and got there before 9. I actually got there too early as the parked opened at 10AM. I actually took public transportation to Knotts as well as Universal Studios and I really enjoyed being able to not fight traffic and travel for a fraction of the cost. If you need more help just shoot me a PM!
  10. And that's probably why it is more than a mall. I think I read where the mall is only a fraction, small bit of what this entertainment center will have. I look at it like a vegas resort. Yeah, they have a mall but they have soo much more to keep you busy and coming back.
  11. Seaworld San Diego isn't but an hour or so from knotts . . .
  12. Ok, i'm gonna start out by saying this trip is very ambitious for one person. I don't know if you considered the weather in the south in May and June. It can get quite hot. I would definitely NOT reccomend sleeping in your car. I would suggest finding a cheap place or an AirBNB to get the proper rest because unless you're on some serious drugs like meth, your body will crash. Lastly, with so many parks in one trip do you think it would be better to split it up? Like, are you really gonna enjoy it if all you're essentially doing is hopping from park to park?
  13. Right, all of the “original” SF parks always get the best additions. Just ask SFSL. and SFOT, when they got their FreeSpin in 2018. 2017 lol. But The fact that nearly every SF park got a batman clone makes me believe nearly everyone will get a free spin. I'ts just a matter of time before it makes it's way to SFoG. I'm guessing something to attract more to Metropolis Park.
  14. I mean, they did receive two very good looking wooden coasters and they still have them. That's good right?
  15. I sure hope not! Six Flags has been installing Freespins for a while now. Considering that SFOG was one of the ‘original’ parks, I don’t see us getting a Freespin since we haven’t gotten one after all this time. Oh don't worry, it's coming . . .
  16. Chances are you'd get a delay start until it warms up. Keep in mind, that low may not hit until well after the park has closed as well.
  17. I don't think it's the start temp but the lowest temp it can run. If my memory serves me well, I was at the park this past weekend and while fury was just getting up and running I remember seeing Copperhead going.
  18. Ok, well it seems they started their 2019 season on Feb 23rd so it may not be open for you in the middle of Feb.
  19. I would totally welcome a winged coaster at KD! They are very unique to the US and, so far, none have been a clone. I'm also sure the average guest to KD has no idea they even exist.
  20. So, something with could be the fastest acceleration on a coaster could also be the slowest launched coaster as well lol.
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