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Everything posted by Godwyn

  1. That is AWESOME!!! Congratulations on setting a goal and achieving it! Looking forward to your trip reports. Since you now have the coaster bug, you should try one of the trips that Robb and Elissa put on. You will have the time of your life.
  2. I'm in the same thinking as Jakizle. I really don't see much of a difference in the ride with or without the floor. If you are in the front its better because you can see the track, but we usually like to ride in the back row so the whole effect is pretty much for not.
  3. Chrisrad -- Yes, it's right across the lake. We really liked it and are planning on staying there again next year. Jojo -- I'd say that we are about 99% sure that we will be going back next year. And Max is wanting to go also. He was supposed to go this year but his sister was graduating on that Saturday. Robb -- It was great till other kids started showing up. I had my laptop out there on a bench and didn't want it to get stolen, so we left shortly after they showed up. But we still had a good 20 minute takeover! John -- Sadly I don't have pictures of the "Bakuli Incident". But it was funny as hell!
  4. On the first day of the 2007 TPR Midwest trip, we were given travel pillows. Well someone (not going to name names) swiped my wife’s pillow. So she started to use this stuffed "jellyfish" that we won at Holiday World with our skeeball tickets. So everyday Jellyfish was packed to take on the bus to be used as a pillow. Ever since then he has gone on every vacation we take, and this year, he finally made it back home. This is our (his) adventure back home. We headed out on the Thursday before the event to make the 5 hour drive there. But on the way, we picked up John (Hang and Bang) in St. Louis, and did some geocaching on the way(which I forgot to take some pictures of). Before we left, we made sure we had all the essentials. Here is Jelly making sure that the GPS is set up correctly to pick up John in St. Louis. So far so good! I-55 POV!!! Don't you just hate it when they start stacking the cars. We literally sat here for 10 minutes without moving. I took over driving so I wasn't able to take many pictures, so fast forward to here. We made it to Santa Claus! Here is John and Jelly making the nice list. And here is Chris and I making the naughty list. While we were here geocaching, we paid our respects to the Fat Man. We stayed at Lake Rudolph Campgrounds and this was our site number. Couldn't have had a better number! And across from the campgrounds is awesomeness! And finally, we made it to our home for the next couple of days. This was the view out of our bedroom window. Of course, being that this is Santa Claus, it's decorated for Christmas. Jelly was hungry and was making something to eat. He had a little problem. That has to hurt. We headed up to the camp store to buy some firewood, so Jelly had to stay behind. John really knows how to handle wienies. Exclusive Wienie POV!! Chris gives wienies a thumbs up. Smores time! Exclusive marshmallow POV!!! As you can see, one of the marshmallows didn't make it out of the fire. John was not happy about that. But second times a charm! Marshmallow guts... ... makes John happy. And then the sugar rush hit and we headed to the playground. The picture isn't blurry, it just John swinging really fast cause of the sugar! John trying to go down the slide. Wasn't really working for him. Sliding fail. John's much better at working the pole. A little Dino love and then it was off to bed. Big day tomorrow!
  5. Don't know about the other parks, but this is my home park's page. EDIT-- Actually, I just checked several other SF Park's websites, and they all had the one day price listed.
  6. Great report Adam! I would so love to do this someday. Now just to talk Chris into doing it.
  7. Glad to see that Eagle was running good again. I couldn't believe how badly it was running last year.
  8. I'm loving your report Erik! I miss being at that island. We loved taking the bike trail. You really get to see the island from a different view.
  9. Are you younger than Kidtums?
  10. You can rent them at both places. We went into the water park a few minutes after it opened, took our time changing and by the time we got back to Wildebeest, it was about a 20 to 30 minute wait. It wasn't that hot on Friday (Saturday was a whole differnent story), but I would try to get there as soon as you can. Saturday, as water park ERT ended, we were heading back up to our locke.r as the GP was entering, and it was like a herd of wildebeest running to get to the ride. I would have liked to have seen the look on the first person's face as they get to Wildebeest and find out there is already a line!
  11. I would start on the left side of the park and work your way around clockwise starting with American Thunder first followed by Mr. Freeze (Scooby Doo while you are there), Pandemonium, then Boss. Then head to the back of the park and ride Screamin' Eagle then work your way up to the front riding Mine Train, Ninja (usually never a line) and then Batman. Most people head to Batman first, so by the time you get over there, the line shouldn't be as bad. As for Holiday World, we were just there for Holiwood Nights and was there all day Friday. This is what we did and it worked out pretty well for us. We got locke.rs for the main park and the water park as soon as we got in the gates. You can get them both up front. We started out with Voyage and then hit Gobblers Getaway. While you are back in that section, you might want to go ahead and hit Pilgrims Plunge. I rode in the front and didn't get totally soaked if thats what you are afraid of and was waiting to get your swim clothes on. During ERT I rode it again 5 more times (2 times in the 3rd row and 3 times in the 2nd) and just my hair and right shoulder got really wet. Water does splash up over the side of the boat and will get whatever foot is closer to that side wet, so that is something you might want to consider. I don't like having my socks wet so I tried shielding my foot with my hand. Did a pretty good job until the fifth ride! We then headed back up and rode Legend, grabbed our stuff out of our locke.r and headed to the water park. We stayed in there, got all the big slides done and floated around the lazy river and left about 2. By then the coasters were pretty much a one or two train wait or walk on.
  12. Just wondering how many times you guys passed out from blowing all those up!
  13. I would say, take a trip you planned for yourself, and then multiply it by 50.
  14. Well I snagged 2 balls tonight. For some unknown reason, I had an urge to turn my head and cough.
  15. Even being one of those "Midwest Nutjobs" I was surprised that Evel Knievel made the top 25. Don't get me wrong, I think the ride is great, but I'm biased because its at my home park.
  16. I've noticed that sometimes they just throw the balls back in while your playing. And they just leave the big one on top now instead of burying them with the small ones.
  17. Wow... How bad must your life be if getting banned from a website consumes your whole day and makes you resort to making prank calls? Just move on people, move on.
  18. I just seen you grab that! I also grabbed a big yellow ball and instead of going down the chute, it bounced back into the pit. That's twice that has happened to me! P.S. It says 10:10 am EST
  19. Well, it looks like The Santa Claw has run out of leftover gifts. When I logged in, there was a message saying you can still play, they just won't be sending out anymore gifts.
  20. I just picked up a big red ball, and when it went to drop it, the ball bounced off the edge and back into the pit. If I hadn't already won earlier, I'd be pissed!
  21. ^^^^As much of a Star Wars geek that I am, I still find that funny!
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