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Everything posted by Godwyn

  1. ^Oh wow! I totally forgot about the dolphin show! I use to have a home video of it. Might have to do some looking around the house and see if I still have it.
  2. That's what I'm thinking! I maybe be able to ride Boss that long depending where I would be sitting, but Ninja an Boomerang.... no way!
  3. Here is one of my favorites from my last trip to SFStL.
  4. I'm really late to this game also. Wasn't sure if people were still playing it! Finally ditched the Blackberry and got an iPhone. My username is Godwyn13.
  5. We didn't have any, but while walking by Barbecue USA, it was smelling really good.
  6. I seen there were not any updated sign photos for American Thunder (formerly Evel Knievel) at Six Flags St. Louis.
  7. If they do decide to put the bumper cars back in, which I wouldn't mind seeing, I would hope they would get new ones. The ones they had were horrible. Soooo slow.
  8. I thought it was slower than I remembered too. But that could have been because the weekend before we rode Voyage at night, which makes you feel like you are moving at light speed! And I never remember having any airtime on it. But I thought that it did ride smoother compared to when I rode it last October.
  9. The e-mail I got says 12 to 1 for Season Pass Holders. But if you click the "Learn More" link, it takes you to the website that says Gold from 10:30 to 12.
  10. Great report as always Erik. I would really like to get back to Kennywood. Only time I've been there was in '07 on the TPR Midwest also. Seeing Exterminator and Jack Rabbit brought back so many memories!
  11. Hey Robb, just for clarification, do you know if our TPR shirts classify as a logo?
  12. E-mail sent and received one back. Will be there for Sunday's shoot! Would rather go to Saturday's shoot since I like Mr. Freeze better, but we have to work that day.
  13. Here is Giraffica from Holiday World for you. Also, last year when I went to Beech Bend and got the Zero G pictures for you, they didn't have an actual sign for the ride. Well now they do, so here is that one also if you wanted to add it.
  14. If you click on the Big Bend link, it actually is listed as being in storage from 80 to 89. But from the SFSTL main page, it does make it look like it was in operation during those years.
  15. Seeing your report really makes me want to go back again. It's been 5 years since we have been and so much has changed!
  16. You guys do realize that you are arguing over the opening of a Boomerang, right? I don't think many people will be disappointed if it's not ready on opening day.
  17. Glad you had a good time. Really making me miss a Disney cruise. Hopefully we will get on another one soon.
  18. Thanks for the report Eric! When we visited in July, we wanted to check it out but by the time we got to it, it was closed for the day.
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