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Everything posted by Godwyn

  1. Something must have happened. I checked right before I headed to work at 10 (central time) and it had a 5 and a half hour wait. But good for all of you that ended up getting a good place in line!
  2. It seems that a lot of people are dropping out. My original time was going to be around 1AM central time. It has now moved up to 11PM!!
  3. If it makes you feel any better, I was thinking of calling my wife to do the same thing!
  4. ^I was wondering the same thing. Kind of like passing up what you know you've won for what behind door #2.
  5. ^ I noticed the Phoenix/Griffon mix-up also. But at least it was a mythical creature!
  6. Great report Hanno! That was just an excellent day all around.
  7. ^She looks so grown up in that picture. I had to look twice to make sure that was her! So that would explain why her voice sounded that way.
  8. Awesome pictures again Hanno! I noticed one thing with the Nascar Speedpark coaster, aren't you supposed to turn left in Nascar? And I couldn't believe that Zorbing would be that fun! It was a blast. And, we got to take the bus ride to and from the Zorbing place backwards, thanx to our excellent bus driver!
  9. The pirate ship was pretty wicked also. I swore the little kid that was riding in the row in front of us was going to come flying out seat! And the one ride that surprised me (in a good way) was Jack Rabbit at Kennywood. A little wooden coaster running a pink train can't be that bad, can it? We sat in the back row and got the biggest surprise of airtime going down into that ravine!
  10. Excellent pictures (as always) Hanno! I was really surprised with Dollywood. I've heard about how everyone liked it so much, but I didn't think that it would have been this good! The whole day was just a great day. From ERT on and Arrow that kicked butt in the morning to what I think was the best meal a park had given us, to a crazy ERT session on Thunderhead in the rain! I so want to go back soon.
  11. Excellent report Chuck. And you might be able to get a job with Ghost Hunters. There seems to be one riding Renegade!
  12. You still have Large in the 90 Degrees shirt? The TPR store isn't listing it. It didn't show it last week either, or I would have ordered that one with the ClubTPR coupon.
  13. Well I've procrastinated enough, time to post my Bag-O-Crap. The new phone books are here, the new phone books are.... err.... my Bag-O-Crap is here, my Bag-O-Crap is here! Lets see what crap my mailman has been hauling around. Its ClubTPR Pen's cousin, Sprint! And of course, the original, often immitated, never duplicated, TPR pen! Crap from California, Florida, and Germany! Some Crap that I can wear! A Kennywood postcard and some Japanese Thomas stickers (I think). And I have no idea what this crap is!! Chris said they were clog pins. I'm going to have to take her word on that. And something to get that crappy taste out of your mouth.
  14. The main reason I went to TL in 2000 was just to swim with the sharks! I went first thing on a chilly morning, so there was hardly anyone there, and I just kept going around.
  15. I know what you mean! I rode in the back seat during the 2007 Midwest trip. I thought I was going to fly out of the car!
  16. Here is the copy of the group photo I have. And here is the culprit!
  17. Yes they did. Thank goodness! Chris and I rode in the front seat and it wasn't that bad. Still had to prepare yourself for the turns, but the straight aways were good.
  18. It got painted a couple of years ago in the 2008/2009 off season.
  19. It wasn't the e-stop that caused the injury, it was from getting hit with the inflatable. From The Virginia Gazette http://vagazette.com/articles/2010/08/07/news//doc4c5c0469adc30144664931.txt
  20. Nice trip report! Glad to see you liked the back of EK. I was surprised when you were told to ride the front cause I think the best ride is in the back. On Easter day, my wife and I rode it 21 times in a row! And by the way, that big orange thing in Gossamer from Looney Tunes.
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