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Everything posted by Godwyn

  1. Here we are sporting our TPR hoodies at SF StL. Right after we took this picture the hoodies came off cause it was too dang hot there today. Us, our hoodies, and the coolest decoration they had.
  2. ^ Too funny. Last weekend, I kept telling my wife that she looked like the uni-bomber. She had the grey hoodie on with the hood tightened and was wearing sunglasses.
  3. We wore ours to Six Flags St. Louis last weekend. We didn't take a camera with us, but we are going next weekend also, so I'll be sure to get a picture.
  4. When my wife and I went to Holiday World for our first time, while riding Voyage, all I could think of was this trip report and "NINETY DEGREES!!!!". I love that coaster. Its amazing how it keeps the speed up the whole time. And the airtime is great. My wife said she felt like she was skiing at the end when it keeps turning from left to right with the airtime in the middle.
  5. I bet the people that are complaining about how things are being ran have never planned a trip. I spent weeks planning a trip to Orlando and that was just for me and my wife. I can't fathom how long Robb and Elissa have spent trying to plan 3 different trips for that many people visiting that many parks. All the checking and rechecking, getting hotels, getting transportation, trying to make it reasonably priced. I applaude all their hard work.
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