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Everything posted by Godwyn

  1. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - I'll Keep Your Secrets
  2. Vinnie Vincent Invasion - That Time Of Year
  3. What Do You Do With A B.A. In English/ It Sucks To Be Me - Avenue Q
  4. ARRHGHHHH!!!!!! I just tapped my own tile again! I wasn't even near it! I hit the building next to it and it triggered the tile! Well here goes another two days waiting. But I was able to get 9 tiles in less than 24 hours of it being there!
  5. Thanks. You must have been the first one because I haven't seen you name appear as I tapped the handshakes. I tapped yours also. Elissa, I got the one from you also.
  6. My tile is ready also. Hopefully I won't tap it myself his time.
  7. Iron maiden - Rime Of The Ancient Mariner (live)
  8. Thanx. Got it. And CRAP!!! I just accidentally hit my last handshake!!!
  9. Got it. I just tapped you again. It was the third one so hopefully you get it.
  10. I just went around and tapped anyone that had a tile ready, but I only did it once. I will go back again in the morning for a second tap.
  11. ^Just cleared out one that you gave me. So I'm ready for another one if anybody is ready. Being that I'm at work right now, I won't be able to check again until after 10 central time. Then I'll be able to do my rounds.
  12. Mine is ready. Been leaving the last handshake there. I will do my rounds again tonight after I get off work.
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