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  1. Hey thanks I have considered becoming a PT Hows the pay (if you dont mind me asking) I cant wait for Orlando (even if the agent is causing me stress right now) Gaz
  2. Hey All On the 24th of July this year I booked a 14 night stay in Orlando with a Thompson Travel Agent, the lady told us that as there will be 3 adults and 2 kids she would do everything to get us in a suite (With seperate bedrooms) at the Econo Lodge on I-Drive. A few days passed and she said actually, she couldnt do that and we are all in one room, with 2 double beds and a fold away. We asked about an extra room to be told it would be £550 extra (if we booked 2 rooms at the start it would have been £200, but because we were almost assured a suite, we didnt see the need) We asked about the free shuttle to Disney and was told "Yes, you get a free shuttle to Disney World" so we went ahead and booked 5 x 14 day Daisney passes. When we got the paperwork it stated that the shuttle was no longer free and would cost us $15 PP per day ($1050) We spoke to the agent who assured us it was indeed free and would confirm it in writing (Although we booked with a Thompson Travel agent, it was booked with Jetsave) we have been chasing it every day (as the agent is local) and were told today by the manager that the shuttle to Disney WILL NOT be free to us as we are not booked with Thompson. We paid a £400 Deposit - if we cancel the Holiday as rebook with Thompson direct, online, we get 2 rooms and as its Thompson, we get the FREE Shuttle too. Does the consumer law of , you have a 14 day cooling off period apply to a Deposit for a Holiday ? because we have been told that dispite the holiday being booked just 7 days ago and not taking place for 14 months, that we will LOSE the Deposit, is this right ? We could hire a car, but at £300 (for the insurance) and then £150 for parking at Disney its an added expence that we dont really need, added to the room issue, its left a bitter taste and I cant help but feel its been "Mis-Sold" Is there any way I can get that Deposit back ? Thanks in advace.
  3. Thanks everyone for such a warm welcome , I'm happy to be part of this GREAT community I'm hoping to visit a park before the end of the summer and of course, post an awesome report
  4. Thanks I'm on a MAJOR Saving spree now that I'm booked in for Orlando next year, I might email Merlin though, see if they want to give me some comps tickets in exchange for advertising on my blog
  5. With that now sorted, next question I want to know if anyone out there has ever hired a road bike on International Drive, Orlando Florida ? If so could you give me an idea of the prices ? (Its gonna be for a max of 2-3 early morning hours) and the names of recommended businesses ? Many Thanks
  6. LOL - It gets better after speaking to the travel agent, who then spoke to the hotel, they are now saying that they will offer a free shuttle to Disney ever day for us ! I get the feeling that this isnt quite settled yet and when I get the confirmation of the shuttle, I suspect there will be another twist LOL
  7. Once booked here, if you cancel you lose your deposit is what I was told yesterday
  8. Thanks guys but the vacation is booked now, so changing means losing $700 deposit, not something I can really afford now
  9. You could have made a WHOLE Thread out of me, not 2 years ago
  10. Well, I checked with the agent im booked with (As if I cancel now, i'll lose the deposit of approx $700) And I asked for the "Cheapest" option of staying on site at Disney $7350 !!!! Its the same with Disney Paris too, us Brits get hit REAL HARD SO I emailed Lynx buses, theres 2 options 1: 36 mins on a bus, each way, but with a 1.5 mile walk both in the morning and at night, my wife will be in a wheel chair and my kids are 6 & 11, so thats out. 2. You can get all the way there but that bus takes over 2 hours and you have to change SOOOOOOOO...I'll be hiring a car LOL.......I want to pick it and drop it at Orlando Intn Airport....Is Dollar gonna give me the best bang for my buck ?
  11. Well, I looked into "on property" and it pretty much DOUBLES the cost, we get hit hard here in the UK for Disney ...... So it comes back to the buses and how long they will take and if that's out, then can you get a 14 day car park pass for Disney ?
  12. Thanks for all your help so far, once again, the direction has turned around Basically, there is 5 of us, my wife booked the vacation when I was at work, she thought she'd booked 2 rooms, she hasn't, so now, to amend the booking, its gonna cost another $700 to add a second room. So money becomes a major thought again. we read there was a free shuttle to Disney, however, now we have our paperwork, it says the hotel no longer do the free shuttle but offer a service at $15 Per person, per day We have booked a 14 day pass for Disney and there is 5 of us, so that would mean adding a cost of $1050 on-top of the price. so thats $1700 EXTRA, or $1400 EXTRA if we hire a car, it seems for this vacation we will spend all 14 days at the Disney parks/water parks. I read there is a Lynx bus that goes to Disney for $16 for 7 days each, my question here is how long is the journey time (Approx) on a Lynx bus from EconoLodge to Disney World?
  13. Just wanna put this as an additional post too My wife is disabled and in a wheelchair, in the UK this allows you to board the rides via the exit, do Disney/Universal.Busch allow this ? What proof of disability is required, does this need to be arrange before we arrive etc? Thanks everyone, there's 15 months left and already im so EXCITED
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