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Canobie Fan

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Everything posted by Canobie Fan

  1. They have "exit holes" at the bottom of each drop on SFNEs. Im betting SFKKs will have the same.. If you DID fall off.. Or if the ride E-Stops and you need to exit... You can get out.
  2. FYI - Everyone... you know the ride ISNT going to be all open like in the video.. SFNE also has a proslide "bootleg blaster" (but a non-lim kind) And it has NETS around the full slide.... Im guess they just didnt put it in the video.. Just like how they were not in SFNEs video.. So you cant like "jump off" it
  3. A few launch coasters do that.. And a lot of S&S towers I have been on. Hell. I have video of SFNEs S&S tower going "5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4 *launch*" and Canobies "7,6,5 *launch*" with chiller I have heard "Oh we need to recheck car 4 *launch*"
  4. I have been on something like 34 B&Ms... Its hard to pick just 1 best and 1 worst... So ill make a list. Best - Apollo's Chariot,Kumba,Nemesis,Top Gun - The Jet Coaster, and LaRondes Vampire Crappy B&Ms - All 3 Superman - Ultimate Flights,Hydra: The Revenge, and maybe Great Bear
  5. lol.. Sadly... I myself have found a coaster that wasnt listed on RCDB... And yes.. I sent in its info and photos of it ( http://www.rcdb.com/ig3683.htm )
  6. I dont get why bikes are the new "it" coaster trains... I have been on a Booster Bike.. The bike seat added NOTHING to the ride itself. If anything... It made the ride worse!
  7. Sky Coasters dont do anything for me anymore. But I still really like Slingshots. My first Sky Coaster ride really DIDNT scare me.. I was like 10 at the time and just wanted to try it (SFNEs.. but at the time it was still Riverside) I remember being a bit more scared the second time I did it.. As I knew what it did. But I now I dont get any thrill from it at all. I just like the view.. And if anyone heres seen me do a Sky Coaster.. They will tell you how bored I looked on them. My first Sling Shot also didnt scare me. But it did give me much more of a rush. I still find Sling Shots to be the best of the upcharge rides.. With the Booster/Sky Scraper right behind it.
  8. Beast at Kings Island ? - It had 2 kids... Beastie and also Son of Beast? Also 2 invert wackyworms - Queen Bee - Botton's Pleasure Beach (Skegness, Lincolnshire PE25 2UG UK) Queen Bee - Center Norte (Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Argentina)
  9. I have seen photos of the artwork for that as well. It was like a big darkride kinda thing. I think it was in NYC?
  10. I was that one number.. but I drank so much Jeezus Juice I forgot what number I was
  11. Thats a Mondial Supernova. There is only one in the US now. Its at the State Fair Of Texas but it stays on site all year. Adventureland NY also had one until 2006 by the name of "SurfDance" Canobie "I <3 flatrides" Fan
  12. I <3 Silver Comet... I even got to spend 2 hours looking at it on Firday... yay car broke :S
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