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Canobie Fan

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Everything posted by Canobie Fan

  1. Anyone who picked Gerstlauer hasnt been on a MS... MS pwn Gerst in every way.... MSP at SFNE gives you maybe 3 spins the full ride..... Dragons Fury gave 3 spins... on the second lifthill alone! I would also take Rev/Zamp spinners over Gerstlauer ones.
  2. because it uses the same track system. Just like how the 2 Gio Hypers also look like B&M track.
  3. Yeah that has been going around for a few months now. People had been talking about it for some time over on my site as I have a subarea for whalom on CanobieFan. And seeing how SFNE is the ONLY coasterful park in MA I would like to see a new park show up.
  4. I dont know. The hills were kinda rampy but even with the g-trains I didnt think it was THAT bad. After being told by people it was one of the worst rides ever.. I got on thinking it was going to be like SOB or Beast... But it was just kinda 'ouch' in the first helix... But not to the point where I didnt reride.. Unlike SOB where once a day is good... I was able to ride Hurricane 8 full laps in 1 day.. 2-3 in a row! (and i took 1 night ride the day before.. and also on the last ride of the night I got walked down the lift hill! yay 9.05 rides )
  5. The only real bad part I found each ride was the first helix. The second helix only sucked on 4-5 of my 9.05 rides on the coaster. Oh and if this was on ThrillNetwork I would have to ban you for saying "helixes" the word is "helices"
  6. I'll also be on that tour. But im kinda mad its the same day that SFNE opens this year!... Guess I'll have to hit SFNE after the tour :-\(Been to the 05 and 06 LC.org tours as well.)
  7. ! (My TR - http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=344518 )
  8. And the last few LC photos... And one last photo.. Right before I got into a head-on with Zoomerang. Wooo. <3 Drive'n back out... My car window... And dash Old wildcat/dash wood yay waterslides that I have never used.. And wont be using anytime soon. The big room.. More books
  9. Part 2 - Lake Compounce - Ok.. .So I got to LC about 30mins before NorEaster was to start... So I parked in the lot.. And walked over by the new car ride.. Zoomers.. After that I was told I needed to move my car.. Down to the ballroom....inside....the park.... (Yeah... I got to ride my car around inside the park!) lolz... what the hell is this? Old EG poster.. Pre-move :O Really really old......KI poster. At the auction they gave away a poster from SFNEs 2006 media day. You wish I;d keep it... I so won a Kennywood poster. Prizes Never seen this book before! Bumper cars. Expressless Table sex! Dashs station Carless Wheel. Wildcatter Hey JamminJ... Remember me? SwingShot!.. No wait... Zoomers...still Zoomers Flying Swing parts. Moser Spring top. pwnt Mag...things.. Yay for 2 train op in 07! New Wildcat mags Tricktrack = the LAME Rock. ACErs on the tour. Skyride... of DOOM! Raft.. that wasnt in the river. Hey "newer" turnaround... Woo.... POV! Door prize anyone? omgomgomgDASHomgomgomg New wood Rockdash? Icedash yay for GCI re-tracking. "Waterfall" under dash. I found you... Ms new woodie... Yay tour time.... Broke'd! LCs Kickass GM. ACErs and stuff... My lunch.... CAKE! Stuff for sale. I so own'd that DVD... NorEaster.... Wouldnt be an ACE event without a fanny pack! Yup Hey look... Its... Me :-\ Hey look... .Its Lake........ Compounce. Wiggles :-\ WOOO! New for 2007 - Ice Skate river... woo... Yeah... I got to park next to it.. Hey Dash.... Turn left at the wheel! How cool is this! Drive'n down the midway! Wildcrap :-\ Zoomer...rang! Zoomers Zoomers Zoomers
  10. So yeah... This weekend was NorEaster.. ACE New Englands winter event. And this year it was inside Lake Compounce.. So yeah. I went... But because it didnt start till 12pm.. I went on a photo run down to Holy Land USA... A closed down Jesus... themed park. Part 1 - Holy Land USA - And one last photo.. Woo.. This bush creep'd me out... As the place closed in 1984... But it looked like its well cared for. Yeah.... Jesus.... Sign Yup Village thing.... Still. Yup Jesus village.... Sign Ooooh.. Creepy.. More like crappy. Rock hole.. thing "midway" Jew-Land? Last din din.. Smash'd Yeah... creepy eh? More village stuff. Mini Jesus village thing Dome..thing. Creepy Jesus signs that were all around... Crap Random..thing. insert text Going up? Waterbury CT Its big.. and stuff. This is the path Jesus can take.. I'll just stay on the dirt ones.. Big cross light that can be seen for miles around... Path into the woods.. Jesus? Big open area Stuff.... The fun icey hill I climbed up. :-\ Some sign about god... The Holy Land sign. Something about some rainbow..... The Church is the biggest thing left in the park. Holy Land.. Church.....thing.
  11. I have been on one of the floorless topspins about 7 rides in all. the program it ran was really really lame. So just hope Phantasialand runs it good... It also kind hurts if your a guy....
  12. ^Yes. Its Rys Dragon. lol. Over the years my MOM made a few of them. I have a blue and purple one With hoodies (and ear holes)... And also a green and tan one with hoods. For the TPR Spain trip... a new one will show up
  13. WOOO! My Tr. and Hippo have now made front page on TPR! (And to think.. Of all the TRs I ave ever done.. This is the first to ever make it.)
  14. Few more photos from places.. As people asked And now for the shocker!.... Hippo at my true homepark! (- NOT Canobie -) State House - Harrisburg, PA Old Man of the Mountain - Post fall. (I had been pre-fall.. Hippo hadnt) State House - Concord, NH Hippo at Water Country (NH) Hippo in my hometown. Hippo with the 60 foot cactus at the Hill Top. Hippo with a hippo!... at the National Zoo in DC. Hippo stuck on the side of the highway next to Martin's Fantasy Island! (I guess its a good place for the car to die...) Hippo at a closed Canada's Wonderland.... Hippo at Token Yankee Guys school. Hippo at Santas Workshop NY Hippo at Yorks Animal Kingdom. Hippo on the glass floor 1,122 feet off the ground! Hippo at the CN Tower in Toronto.
  15. Nope Yup I have a lot more non-park photos BEST GAME EVER! food AND hippos! Nope. And Clarks is a roadside trap in NH. They have a bear show (They ride swings and a scooter... and eat ice cream.) but they also have this train ride where the Wolf Man ":mugs" the train and little kids with toy guns get to "shoot" him.. And he also toss's "TNT" at the train and such.. Its a cool little park type place. Been going for over 20 years Great Escape is like.. My home-away from home park. I go every summe 2 or 3 times. And yes I rode Hoffmans coaster (and Jeepers and Magic Forests) Been inside PKD,PKI,and Carowinds.... And outside of PCW. 3- NONE are photoshoped that would be LAME! 4 - Nope! 5 - The tubby one?
  16. More.... Also I had this Frappr map.. But its way outdated.. http://www.frappr.com/hippofans (add yourself if you want) So yeah.. If you go back to some of my older TRs you might see random hippo photos that arnt part of this yopic.. You also might see him pop up in other peoples TRs. Also - I added more photos HERE - http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=338683#338683 Hippo likes him some SDC goodness. Hippo wishes we got the Flyer Comet credit.. like I do. Hippo counting down the fun! Who would think this place has a coaster....
  17. So yeah... Some of you may have seen TPR updates where a photo of a Hippo had the text along the lines of "Hi James" (Like in the Disney Hong Kong update) Or things like Hippo vs. Penguin (and later on Yetiball) Well there is a reason for all this... Its because Robb and Elissa just can't admit that Hippo is the greatest... Well uh.. I guess you need the back story. So I worked at a summer camp back in 2000ish where a kid gave me this Hippo beanbag/water toy and as a joke we just took it around with us everywhere we went (Canobie Lake, Water Country, White Water Rafting... and more) well the Hippo thing kinda stuck with me.. So I just kept bringing him along with me places I went. In 2003 I made a website for my Hippo that 'predated' the "Hippo Photo" thing. The site is long gone now.. But may come back some day. It was "www.WhereIsHippo.com" and it was just kinda a blog about the places hippo had been. In 2005 I went out to Niagara Falls (for MFI and SFDL) and I took a photo of Hippo at the falls.. And that started the 'hippo photo' So from that point on I have gone around taking photos at different places with my hippo... Hippo has been to every Country I have been to... And every state I have been in but West VA... Here are Hippos maps Canada - http://www.world66.com/myworld66/visitedCanadianStates/countrymap?visited=ONQU USA - http://www.world66.com/myworld66/visitedStates/statemap?visited=ARCTDCDEFLGAILINKYMEMDMAMIMONHNJNYNCOHPARISCTNVTVAWI And Europe - http://www.world66.com/myworld66/visitedEurope/countrymap?visited=AUCZENGEHUNLNOSESWWA And now for the photos Quassy Hippos been to hell.. Eh... Hippo likes the only woodie in Maine. Couldnt forget to have a Canobie photo in here... Hippo says "DAMN Gams lot is full..." Hippo and the "Wolfman" at Clarks. Hippo is the Eye of the Storm. This makes hippos timber shiver [insert text here] Sadly... This is Hippos last photo with his pin... About 45secs after this photo... It was lost in a tragic accident. (I also got PWNT) BEST WOODIE EVER! Hippo says... "How many of you have this credit " Hippo has seen 2 of the 3 IJs! lolz....... Hippo says... "Its not THAT bad..." Hippo takes a ride on my 200th coaster. Hurricane at Adventureland. Guess the coaster! Hippo hoped G-Force would be as cool as it looked..... (It wasnt) Hipposis... Hippos #1 water ride... HYDRO! Coney Beac Hippos #1 ride.... Dragons Fury! Hippo at Méga Parc in the Galeries de la Capitale. Hippos (and mine) first English park! Hippos been to at least 5 jeepers (6 for me) Lake Compounce is like.. Old. Hippo can roar.... Hey SFAW.... Or TGE whatever. lol I bet none of you even know about this 'park'! Hippo at Parawhos Kingswhat? Hard Rock Park!!..... under construction Ghetto Playland (See Joe.. you arnt the only one whos been ) Mmm.. Comet! Hippo thinks "Hmm.. will anything ever replace gaslight village / Action Park?" (Lake George NY) Hippos love water.. Not so Magic Forest Family Kingdom < Hippo Kingdom Hippo doesnt have this credit.. Nor do I. (Lincoln Park Comet) OMFG DRAGON WAGON!!! Hippo at Steel Pier in its closing season.. Oh.. Wait.. Great Hippo > Great White Hippo owns SFNE.... Hippo loves Lalalala Rondes Goliath. Hippo.... With my 300th coaster. Guess the park!! Williams Grove Cyclone *credit run* Hippo says "J2 owns at night" Hippo with Bowcrafts """inatmin"""" Hippo doesnt like the Coney Island Crapclone Hippo at Pocono Play Park.. Where the park is "open" yet all the rides were closed! Hippo says "More like.. Floodkill" Hippo says 'Ew cedar fair parks...." Hippo - State Fair style Hippo says "Oh shoot! A rocket that doesnt work!!!" More like.. Big Bad Hippo....... Hippo under Balder... Woooo This is about as close to getting 'on' Wildcat at Keansburg as you can get. Hippo at the "land of no ATM" Hippo says "Oh shoot! A rocket that works!!!" Everyone should know what park this is at.... Hippo says SNAILS is the best coaster ever... At Joyland. Hippo at not so Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach. Hippo loves the TRISTAR at Pleasurewood Hills!
  18. Hmmm... I havent posted a photo in like.. a year... So yeah SUF makes me
  19. Joined: 15 Feb 2005 (729 Days) Damn... 729 days of my life..Wasted Oh... and YAY for being TPRs 9th member ever!
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