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Canobie Fan

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Everything posted by Canobie Fan

  1. lol.. Funny you should say that... Back in the 90s it was yellow
  2. Lisa has no real reason. The park staff has said its just to be random.. And that they might move her around every few weeks. People over on my site even called her "our girl" now
  3. yeah.. So because photos of trash cans seem to be the new "it" thing to do.. heres some photos of cans at Canobie Lake! Only unlike at other parks.. Canobie themes its cans to the rides they sit next to Yeah... the end. Best new ride the park has added in the last few years. Weeee It doesnt swing high.. But it makes up for that with spinning. Sexy Huss seats. From the backside. It might look bad... But it runs great And now for 8 photos of the new Frisbee - Such an odd themed ride.... Me and my ride... The ride is in 'mid-paint' right now. Weeeee Odd colors I guess.. But eh.. Its still a good ride The fog was on a bit much if you ask me... Yay New England! Kiss 108 (Boston) was at the park. lolz.. I got all 3 country credits!!! New skywheel paint. ERT? Weeeee It didnt have any line... at all The front now has the parks new logo on it. Corkscrew is back to running the black train. and the is still on the back car. lol.. Beaver Skater was closed.. But it got some new things added around it. Mmmmmm.. Candyball... Cannonballs new orange/green look. For some reason the park was DEAD!.. Cannonball had zero line and was even letting rerides Real life RCT! Vanobie! Woo new wood seats inside the new gate Hey.... Sexy... Isnt it? And now for a few photos of the new front gate. Yuppo Ok.. No more trashcans.. Now for photos of new fake little animals. I like this one the best. Oooh look at this one Eh...I dont like this one. This one is OK I guess... Ooh I like this one! omg trashcanobielake
  4. Are LW's the only ones left? In a park?... Yes. I have heard of one or two more that hit the road but have not seen any myself. Bensons (in NH) and Whalom (in MA) both had them in the 80s and Whalom still had them in the 90s. But both parks are now gone.
  5. I still kick myself for not going back in 2004...... Someday.... I <3 the Fly-Oz Whalom had some back in the day.
  6. ZP was a wicked cool ride. Not like amazing.. But it had great airtime and very rerideable.
  7. Yeah the 2 guys in front of us had a bag on the ride with them. And going over the tophat the bag (on a strap) went up like TWO FEET!I almost grabbed it but then I saw it was around the guys body... The fins never went down.. So once the train slowed we just kept creeping down the hill until we got to the turn where we were *free* until we hit the ones right outside the station where we then just sat. After a bit they rolled us into the back station (we had loaded in the front) and then after a bit more.. They rolled the second train backwards into the station.
  8. the best part about this story - http://www.memphisflyer.com/memphis/Content?oid=oid%3A27810 is that they stole MY photo!
  9. http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/files/cimg1460_919.jpg coolest MasterBlaster ever!
  10. Jeepers is free to go in.. But they make you pay $2-$3 to ride the rides. And about the fight.. It was just words no like hitting.. Just 2 guys (and later on 2 girls) getting up in each others faces screaming.
  11. They dont stop you. I have never been told I couldnt go in a Jeeepers.. But 3 of the ones i have been to are gone now. Over all I have... 1 in MA - gone 1 in NC - gone 2 in NY - 1 gone 3 in MD - 1 isnt jeepers anymore.. But was when I went.
  12. Part 3... Woo.. Great Adventure... All you need to know is.. I rode Kingda Ka four times.. and it still sucks... And El Toro is still amazing ! Maybe thats Supermans ultimate plane? It was cool... Oh.. and on the way out we saw this fight. Yeah.. So before everyone left... We took one last ride or Kingda Ka... Funny story is... Me and Elissa broke it and got a "longer" ride.. And also pissed off a big scary guy... So once we got off.. We ran away (and the ride never re-opened) BETTER-THAN-BALDER! :O! It races!! I love you... Qbot gold. Sadness... Lumpy Random fire you could see form on rides and on the midway far away. I dye'd my hair 'Nitro Yellow' Who needs a logride when you can play on this! Eh.. SFNEs looks better. Yum... GASM.. Was just sitting like this. Aww.. Twins Must have been ACE day Holy Crap! (people) Uh..... Yeah............. Best Floorless ever! SOOO Much better than Balder.. STILL "I love you El Toro!" Mine train wanst running all its trains.... Holy Crap! (its open) Hmm... Whos that on El Toro..... Holy crap!
  13. Part 2 - SFA As I had been to SFA many times I didnt need any of the credits.. But as Rich still needed them I rode them all but the kiddie and Joker (closed) Also met up once more with the TPR crew After we left me and Rich drove all the way up to Gadv that night... So we could get some El Toro goodness the next day.... So yeah... I got a water. As we waited for the rest of the group to show up.. We watched this duck walk around. After SFA when nothing happened.. We ended up here for dinner. Hmm wait.. Tower Of Doom closed? But I rode it... Or did I? I wish we could still be friends Hey sexy SLC Roar didnt have any line! Oh wait.. thats because it broke when we were next to get on Oh no! It was dead! (And now in that trash bag) Aww look at the kitty under SROS... Well.. Kinda :O! Tower Of Doom working?! omg kiddie credit I got back in 2002 Ok.. So SFA does have a Sky Coaster.. But... Why is this sign on the SROS giftshop? I love you Vekoma! :D:D! Other best ride in the park!! I see you Jinx train... Best ride in the park!!! !! Robb - "I can take a photo AND hold a baby!" Hmm.. I didnt know I was at SFOT... Cool... Yet lame at the same time!
  14. Yeah... So like... I went to Six Flags America and Great Adventure over the weekend. But who cares.. The big deal of the weekend was going to Jeepers in parkville!! Hell yeah I got my 418th credit.. AND 7th jeepers credit!!! :::D!!!!! Yeah.. So RIch.SFNE2005 had never been down to SFA and with the TPR meet up he asked if I wanted to go down with him.. So I did.. Even having had all the credits at both SFA and GAdv (-Batman the Chiller) I could always use more El Toro in my life... So yeah... blah blah blah... Photo time. Part 1 of 3. (and yeah. can you wait till I have all 3 parts up before posting) JEEPERS PARKVILLE!!! The 3rd and only Jeepers in MD I hadnt been to... Money money.... Mmm.. Food After Jeepers we met up with the TPR crew at Carrabba's... My first time :O Bling bling!! Hey Katie.... PPPOOOVVV!!!!!! Rich is all "Yeah! My first Jeepers credit!!" See.. Now why would anyone think im emo... Clearly im happy in his photo! Oh yeah.. And Hippo show'd up. !!! Yay the Banana ride! And the big reason for going all the way to MD!!! lol... Delaware EWWW Delaware!
  15. So yeah.. Just like with the Melrose Fair.. Wakefield was closed a lot because of rain. But Wakefield didnt flood like Melrose did... Anyways... Photos. Oh yeah... Might as well add a coaster photo.... "I wish I was on Nightwing....." "I guess I like this" Woo... "I hate this I hate this I hate this!" But a few days later... It was! Yeah.... It was closed. Pink.... Looks like the wheel is done now.. Hanger was testing... running backwards. It seems to have replaced the YoYo They had a zipper.. But never set it up. Whatever-Go-Round Hmm.. Dont think the wheel is set up yet... They still have the cool scrambler.. But not the YoYo Round Up Dragon Wagon!
  16. Last coaster I rode was Kingda Ka with SharkTums herself! AND we broke it!
  17. So my city's fair was last week.. But rain kept it from running in its first 4 days (of 8 ).... Well anyways... Here are some photos. And one last photo from on the Zipper... Woo... Hey look! Its me. I got my friend to ride the zipper with me... Swinger... Yeah. Hmm.. I didnt see *this* ride in a different PTR a few weeks ago.... Mmm Chance rides.... lolz..... Berry-Go-Round is back after a few years of being gone. I loves me some Cobra rides Yay 5 days later... Stuff is open! Lame...... Go-Gator = Flooded Tilt is also back. After being MIA last year... The Zipper is back Yeah... So it rained A LOT! = Fair didnt open Tempest Cobra!!! Swinger laying in the mud.
  18. Its still sitting in the field next to batwing.. Just turn around on SROSs lifthill and look... Or look to the left going up on Batwing. I saw it this weekend.
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