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Canobie Fan

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Everything posted by Canobie Fan

  1. Being a dumb drunk girl. PKI seems to have tagged the day ""black sunday"" as they had like.. 3 deaths in the park in one day.
  2. Best ride in the park = the Dragon coaster. Maybe the S&S tower.. The Vekoma Waikiki Wave would have been cool if it was a Super Flip model.
  3. I take mine on everything I ride. I do have a strap. But I forget it sometimes and I still havent lost them. Things like SLCs,Boomerangs, everything at IOA, even SROS SFNE - They stay on without a strap.
  4. Uh.. how would snow = death? lol Rides can run in the snow and still be 100% safe.
  5. My year = I went from 300 coasters to 417 coasters... Rode coasters in the US,Canada,UK,Norway, and Sweden. Made 12 plane flights... All for parks. Some of the parks I went to (some 2-3... or 15 times) Méga Parc*, SFNE, GreatEscape#, Santas Workshop*, FamilyKingdom*, Myrtle Beach Pavilion*, Steel Pier*, Castaway Cove*, Wonderland Pier*, Moreys*, Canobie, Great Adventure#, La Ronde*, Clementon*, Bowcraft*, Astroland, Denos WonderWheel Park, Rye Playland, Quasy, Yorks, Busch Gardens Europe, StoryLand, Kings Dominion#, TPR UK trip + Add on*, Camelot*, Gullivers*, Jeepers Rockville*,Jeepers Greenbelt*, Six Flags America, and Lake Compounce. * = New park # = New credit And a few random photos - Oakwood - Astroland - Clementons - Moreys - Liseberg - Jeepers Greenbelt - Yeah...
  6. I rode the one at Prater back in 2004. It runs/feels just like a topspin.
  7. Wee..... If only the zamp OTSRs were not rock hard. All it looks like is Zamps take on a topspin.
  8. BURN IN HELL YOU POS COASTER! I HATE YOU!! XLC going almost makes me happy
  9. Only... not Seems like someone wants to start some drama
  10. Why would they send it to SFDL when they have the SLC over the lake as it is. Send it to TGE ... Oh wait.. TGE has SFAW SLC laying in back of the old hotel.
  11. ^ Watch out... SFNE might be getting one down where Colossus was. :-\
  12. Would have been a cool TR if it didnt LAG me to death.
  13. Have fun with the 2 hour lines it will get...... Canobie "I hate MSP" Fan :-\
  14. Sent mine in... Woo.. I did the lame "1 1 4 6 3 6 7 7 7 2" style cause im lazy
  15. Some random stuff I had on my youtube - All the videos have both on and off ride shots Mack Calypso that was at the Myrtle Beach Pavilion. Chance Twister that was at William's Grove. Chance Chaos that was at SFNE
  16. I was down at Moreys back in Sept. The pier its on is still there.. For the most part (closer to the ocean its really trashed) Moreys has a few rides racked up in the back.. And some leftover doo-wopper track was back there... The coaster was still in place but it was hard to get up to get a good photo of. As for the front of the pier it sits on.. Morey has put in like 5 or 6 diffferent gokart tracks and a skyscraper ride.
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