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  • Recent Posts

    • Yes, brakes. Supposedly limiting them to about 25 MPH. I've only been on one and it felt more like it really only limited the speed on curves, the harder you hit the curve the more you slow down. However it works, they appear to be designed by following a simple set of design rules such as slope angle, versus having to calculate speed affected by everything that comes before a particular point on the ride. Powered coasters use the opposite mechanism, but if the result is also regulated speed, it similarly simplifies design and theoretically allows unlimited length; there is far more question if they're really coasters however. Maybe if someone made a ride that immediately hit the governor and stayed there, but they don't. The threshold for a "credit" isn't very high.
    • It is hard to tell Lawyers, Ride test brought things to light, Zamperla, Cedar point, Peoples inability to just be smart and put things away.  I mean this thing is 420 feet and 120is MPH. Things happen. I wish TT2 lockers was my biggest worry in life.  They saved this ride and have been getting great reviews, just go ride the thing and stop worrying about something you have no control. 
    • ^ Thanks for your opinion. I appreciate your response. That locker situation concerns me. How can they design this ride, and last minute make this locker change? It's all Zamperla's fault -- right!!!
    • I read all your trip reports.  Very entertaining!
    • ^ You know it's funny because I saw the vibration of the trains in the videos, but I honestly didn't even notice.  Both of my rides were on the blue train and I was assigned row 7 and then 9 (second from the back). You do feel a little bit of a shuffle, but the original Dragster had some shuffling as well, so I don't think you'll have anything to worry about. (Not sure how the other trains are though, so don't hold me to that!) As for the lockers, I'd actually suggest renting one over at Magnum's entrance and then heading over to TT2. There should be less of a cluster of people just milling around not knowing how to operate the lockers, and retrieving things should also be way easier as I thought the TT2 locker area was a congested mess... and I went on a slow day! 
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