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Six Flags America (SFA) Discussion Thread

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Waking up to the worst news ever .

I'm so jealous that you don't remember November 9, 2016.


Because that day drastically effected your life so much. You still live in a free country where you post in a themepark forum every day.


As for SFA, I think they are moving the way of Dorney park in a sense that there is no need to pay attention to the dry side as much when the waterpark is the main draw.


I somewhat disagree. In the last 5 years, they added to the dry side 3 times, and the water park twice. Even in one of those water park years, they added VR. Our current lazy river was terrible. As said earlier, people will like this when it gets here. The only problem is that people aren't going to plan a trip to experience Wahoo River.


Since a great much of the park was repainted/repaired, they can use a lot of the extra funds to finish the last 10%. Maybe repaint a ride or two.


Do not buy in to anyone that says the ALL of the buildings need some TLC. This was true before HITP, but they refreshed every building before the event,not including Gotham. That's what they have to square away.

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Waking up to the worst news ever .

I'm so jealous that you don't remember November 9, 2016.


Because that day drastically effected your life so much. You still live in a free country where you post in a themepark forum every day.


As for SFA, I think they are moving the way of Dorney park in a sense that there is no need to pay attention to the dry side as much when the waterpark is the main draw.


I don't see the need to come to that conclusion just yet. They did just add a nice Star Flyer to the dry side of the park. Now if they next three years are all water park installations or 2 years of nothing and 1 waterpark installation then I could agree with you. SFA has gotten a good bit of stuff added to the dry park in the last few years with a Star Flyer, Super Loop, Larson Flyers, 2 coasters, and a large children's area in Gotham City. Sure nothing that we're all just itching to go ride like an RMC, B&M (ignoring Apocalypse), or an Intamin. Certainly a lot more stuff than Dorney has received in the dry park in the last 8 years.

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Let me rephrase that. I shouldn't have said they don't care about the dry side but they are content with their coasters on the dry side. SFA just poured money into a ROAR retracking so I don't see an RMC retrack coming anytime soon and they certainly aren't going to build one from the ground up soon.

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Let me rephrase that. I shouldn't have said they don't care about the dry side but they are content with their coasters on the dry side. SFA just poured money into a ROAR retracking so I don't see an RMC retrack coming anytime soon and they certainly aren't going to build one from the ground up soon.


Yeah the only possibility I currently see is a S&S Free Spin which would be awesome as my other two local parks have nothing like that, but even that seems relatively unlikely.

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Let me rephrase that. I shouldn't have said they don't care about the dry side but they are content with their coasters on the dry side. SFA just poured money into a ROAR retracking so I don't see an RMC retrack coming anytime soon and they certainly aren't going to build one from the ground up soon.


Yes, I can get behind that. Though, let's not forget about Thunder Road.


They did a lot of retracking too. Rerides are a must. The second to last seat gives a superb ride. Looking forward to the cold weather, as the ride seems to really come out of hibernation.

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How many years until we can get a 4D hand me down?


I agree that without the water park the dry park wouldn't stay open. The vast majority of the pools in the area require memberships and are cost prohibitive for the average SFA water park family.

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Waking up to the worst news ever .

I'm so jealous that you don't remember November 9, 2016.


Because that day drastically effected your life so much. You still live in a free country where you post in a themepark forum every day.

No, my parents having sex effected my life. Pretty similar origin story to yours, I would guess.

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Waking up to the worst news ever .

I'm so jealous that you don't remember November 9, 2016.


Because that day drastically effected your life so much. You still live in a free country where you post in a themepark forum every day.

No, my parents having sex effected my life. Pretty similar origin story to yours, I would guess.


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Rode Roar after the retrack and wow, what a smooth ride! Running awesome.


Batwing was running a different train than normal today, looked recently refurbed. Very nice! Grey paint instead of the other train's purple.


Lifeguard Lead at Castaway Creek told me that while the lazy river is being replaced, the pool in the middle will be staying. Surprising to hear!

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Rode Roar after the retrack and wow, what a smooth ride! Running awesome.


Batwing was running a different train than normal today, looked recently refurbed. Very nice! Grey paint instead of the other train's purple.


Lifeguard Lead at Castaway Creek told me that while the lazy river is being replaced, the pool in the middle will be staying. Surprising to hear!


Surprised they don't ever run the second Batwing train . . . . at any rate, I like days where it isn't to sunny so I don't need to shut my eyes as I go up the Batwing lift hill.


And I can't wait for FF to ride Roar in cold weather

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Rick Howarth has been there since December 2011.





BW lift hill sun is seriously worse than walking there.


That's where we need a shade structure. DIck's has EZ up tents on sale. They need to buy a thousand of those.

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Batwing would be greatly improved by a tunnel on the lift hill. And while I'm at it, Superman: Ride of Steel would be greatly improved by putting those ringy dingy ding-a-ling dings along the straightaways like the New England counterpart has a little of.
this would be a great idea. At least put a tunnel over the straightways.
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^ LOL oh please. You know as well of any of us that this park needs trees (and bathrooms, and basic general upkeep) much more than V2, RMC Roar, Justice League, a freaking path between Roar and Superman, or any of the other crackpot fantasies you guys cooked up in here over the last two months. After the announcement this thread deflated faster than a nitrous balloon at a Dead show.


I try not to talk too much sh*t on this park. The park makes it hard. The way I see it, it's close to me, and its free, so I'd love for it to get more love. But the park needs general improvements. Whether its a new updated lazy river, some paint, powerwashing, and especially a couple of trees!

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Good news is that we did get paint (thank you HITP), and a lazy river is on the way. I for one like the river. If it's going to be anything close to Volcano Bay's, it'll be a blast. Do I believe that something else should have gone with it? Of course. Just glad SFStl type Spinsanity didn't come. Would have been extremely butt hurt.


I like the sun,...a lot... More sun the better. I hope they keep the trees in the forest. I agree with the bathroom, but can easily hold it the 4 min and 27 seconds it takes to get to the closest one. Lol,...yeah I timed it. Though, speaking objectively, I agree with the trees, as I know everyone is not a beach comber like myself.


Hell, we need a path between Coyote Creek and Superman, with a third entryway to Roar.


You are right. This thread did deflate. There was actually a lot less complaining than I thought though. The disappointment was too much I think. Of course the occasional, 'I'm not renewing my pass" talk kicked in a couple of times. Sometimes I see the same people say that year to year. Everyone is renewing, especially for a measly 50.99.

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