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Sexual Orientation

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^I don't know about that my personality is pretty straight (in terms of stupid generalizations) and I've never really had any interest in any of the (again, generalized) "gay" things. With the exception of boys of course I have quite the interest in those (not with much success though, I'm also pretty poor at meeting people thanks to my awesome shyness).

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^I don't know about that my personality is pretty straight (in terms of stupid generalizations) and I've never really had any interest in any of the (again, generalized) "gay" things. With the exception of boys of course I have quite the interest in those (not with much success though, I'm also pretty poor at meeting people thanks to my awesome shyness).


Same here! I prefer men who are men... like, with manliness and testosterone and other manly bric-a-brac

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^ I just prefer men


As far as "gay" things - meh. I like NICE things. I dress well, but not extravagantly. I wear a suit and tie every day to the office, and like to make sure that they are in good shape. I have a tailor and a great drycleaner. Some people think that because I like to look put together and take care of my things that I am "acting" gay. Not really - I just take care of myself and my things.


I don't pay as much attention to the outward things in other men as much as I pay attention to what I can see reflected from the inside. Self confidence and self respect are much more important to me than whether someones wrist is limper than mine.

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^ Yeah everyone's different with how they feel comfortable (when it comes to looking nice and dressing well), and I guess those that take more care are those who are percieved to be more "gay"...


I really detest the people who put on a huge front to try and have a limper wrist than me (good analogy by the way)... and the acting thing (acting super effeminate) really does my tree in.


Be yourself, for poof's sake!!

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^^ Yeah - Acting a certain way as opposed to being a certain way is totally a turn-off. I've known some total hotties who were naturally flamboyant and have no problem at all with them (even dated a few.) But show me some twinked out club kid acting how he thinks "gay" people act and I'll run the other way like a drag queen on fire is chasing me. It is kind of insulting, actually.


Damn - I sound picky


And let me add, lest someone get the wrong impression, that although I like to look good, I also like to work on my house, I know how to work on cars (and do) and like all types of music (going through a death rock phase right now.)

Edited by jynx242
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^^I think that's part of the reason I have such bad luck with finding boys I'm interested in. At my age many gays are still recently out of the closet and many go through the phase where everything is about being as gay as can be, and it just isn't attractive. Plus on top of that I'm in an art school so I have to deal with fake artsiness in most of the gays I know on top of the fake flamboyance, which is just one heck of a mess. I'm holding out for the guy that is confident with who he is and isn't afraid to live his life the way he feels opposed to trying to fit into a group. When this will happen, I have no clue, but until then being single is amazing

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I totaly overlooked that posting...


^I couldn't disagree with you anymore.


Coming out isn't about learning to be a minority.


Coming out is about learning to love yourself for who you are and accepting that.





But when you are coming out to the public you will be reminded, that you are part of minority. In some areas more in some areas less, but it will get to you.


For example, mostly everyone gay/lesbian experienced beeing asked on a new job, in a new group or such if he/she has a girlfriend/boyfriend... people are just expecting everyone is straight.


So you´re used to be a minority when you live openly gay.

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^^I think that's part of the reason I have such bad luck with finding boys I'm interested in. At my age many gays are still recently out of the closet and many go through the phase where everything is about being as gay as can be, and it just isn't attractive. Plus on top of that I'm in an art school so I have to deal with fake artsiness in most of the gays I know on top of the fake flamboyance, which is just one heck of a mess. I'm holding out for the guy that is confident with who he is and isn't afraid to live his life the way he feels opposed to trying to fit into a group. When this will happen, I have no clue, but until then being single is amazing


I hear you there. When I first came out, I had friends that were all about being gay and doing everything associated with being gay. (i.e. gay coffee shops, clothing shops, clubs, etc.) Even though I thought that was going just a bit overboard, I got used to it and it actually helped me be more accepting and comfortable with who I was. At first, I was afraid of people knowing I was gay and now I couldn't care less. I am who I am and I'm very happy with that.

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I'm not the sterotypical gay either.


I'm a jeans and tee shirt guy who LOVES sports and doing guy things like smoking cigars, playing poker, going to titty bars, etc.


I am secure with my sexuality and am active in many of the gay subcultures. I just usually get asked if I'm straight at a gay event.


Oh yes, I have no rhythm either.

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OK guys, no need to prove how straight you are


Seriously though, there are more 'normal' gay guys out there than the world thinks. Many gay-hating religious freaks absolutely love their gay co-workers and just have no idea. It's kind of fun that way

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And let me add, lest someone get the wrong impression, that although I like to look good, I also like to work on my house, I know how to work on cars (and do) and like all types of music (going through a death rock phase right now.)


I am the same...I do my own oil changes, work around the house doing repairs and unless someone asked me (or I told them), they would never know. I also went through the death rock phase, although that was back in my late teens and early twenties. I still like and listen to a lot of the heavy metal and grunge music of the eighties and nineties. Just got the new STP along with Pavement & Jon Spencer Blues Explosion greatest hits the other day in the mail. Not exactly staples at our local gay club!!!


Seems like there are a lot on here the same way (straight acting, although I don't like the term "acting") and some who are more effeminate, which is also fine. They are usually the one's that are the life of a party...especially when there might be uber-conservative straight people there!

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And let me add, lest someone get the wrong impression, that although I like to look good, I also like to work on my house, I know how to work on cars (and do) and like all types of music (going through a death rock phase right now.)


I am the same...I do my own oil changes, work around the house doing repairs and unless someone asked me (or I told them), they would never know. I also went through the death rock phase, although that was back in my late teens and early twenties. I still like and listen to a lot of the heavy metal and grunge music of the eighties and nineties. Just got the new STP along with Pavement & Jon Spencer Blues Explosion greatest hits the other day in the mail. Not exactly staples at our local gay club!!!


Seems like there are a lot on here the same way (straight acting, although I don't like the term "acting") and some who are more effeminate, which is also fine. They are usually the one's that are the life of a party...especially when there might be uber-conservative straight people there!


Masculinity is soooo sexy.

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Seems like there are a lot on here the same way (straight acting, although I don't like the term "acting") and some who are more effeminate, which is also fine.


I can´t see why call that "straight acting".

The "acting" refers to playing a role, to act as someone else. But you are just being yourself and not playing a role at all.



To me the term "straight acting" is mostly used by people who aren´t out of the closet in most parts and try to hide their sexual orientation.

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Gosh, I have now got to the point where I'm intending to come out as Bi to family and friends after my exams in the summer. I've just been so stressed of late, double identity problems and the just general feeling of living a lie. Finally I might have it over with. I don't know what the hell has been wrong with me emotionally of late. I'm normally really down to earth, fairly emotionless, but at the moment, I'm really emotional and everything. So weird. Maybe the stress of my exams is getting to me.

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Gosh, I have now got to the point where I'm intending to come out as Bi to family and friends after my exams in the summer. I've just been so stressed of late, double identity problems and the just general feeling of living a lie. Finally I might have it over with. I don't know what the hell has been wrong with me emotionally of late. I'm normally really down to earth, fairly emotionless, but at the moment, I'm really emotional and everything. So weird. Maybe the stress of my exams is getting to me.


Coming out and not having to live that "double life" will lift the weight off your shoulders. It definitely made life easier for me.

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I second ArizonaGuys posting.


But don´t come out if you don´t feel good about it or you´re not really sure. Don´t do it just because someone told you to do it.

No one has told me/forced me to do it. I just can't stand lying to those around me any more.

Thanks for the replies guys.

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^Good luck. The old addage, "to thine own self be true" is very important. Once you tell the folks that you need to tell - the ball is out of your court and in theirs. Basically, you've cleaned your side of the street and their reactions are their business.


Take care.



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Fortunately for me I live in the fairly Liberal UK and I'm in the South East which is fairly liberal so I shouldn't have too many problems, a bit of course, but not too much.

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