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What next for Magic Mountain?

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I know Shapiro says he is implementing more family things, but he also said he wants MM to maintain the coaster record, so, what kind of coaster do you think Magic Mountain should get next?


I think either a Hyper bigger than Millenium Force or maybe a verticle drop coaster.

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^^^ Yeah, but they are bringing in the cash like CRAZY with the addittion of Tatsu. The park was full this weekend, and at 60 bucks for General Admission with the coast of 15 bucks for parking, multiply that 60 bucks times... how many people can fit into MM, thats a lot of money. Thats without the cost of Parking.


I would say, they are probably going to make a new kiddie area, or atleast add more family rides and thrill rides. I mean they have been making roller coasters for a long time. When was the last time MM got a BIG thrill ride?

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In reference to a VD coaster, you referring towards something like Sheikra? Parks would have to wait at least 5yrs in US, because BEC owns the rights for them...boo!..lol


I would like to see some family-type rides and those for the kiddies to be installed and perhaps install their next beast (coaster) around 2009-10. I hope they figure out what they will do for "The blue blob" sitting at the front of the park. I keep hearing rumors (both ways) about Flashback. If they are not going to keep it, send it to a chain park that could use it (Darien Lake?)

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Wow, people are still talking about a park not having space...

We wouldn't know what they would do to fit in a new coaster. They could remove some flats or move some things around to make space. There are some creative designers that can make a ride through other rides and scenery.


I doubt they would get another hypercoaster. But I don't think that they'd even start thinking too much on a new coaster when they have more important things to handle in the meantime.

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I don't think Flashback is going anywhere after SFMM other than the scrap yard. Parks like SFDL have enough bad coasters as it is. (A Boomerang is the smoothest coaster in the park). For the mean time, they probably will keep it and maybe try to operate it, for the sole purpose of having more coasters than Cedar Point, regardless of Shapiro's desire to put an end to "coaster addiction".

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Well, new coasters don't have to be thrill rides. Take it from someone who lives near paramount's kings island. Our new "Family launch coaster" isn't really very extreme at all, and plus SFMM could always fit in a kiddie type coaster such as a vekoma jr invert or the like.


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Just because the park was full doesn't mean they are paying off Tatsu. They would over a very long time, but you have to consider the people that would have gone to the park anyways. The only money you could consider paying off Tatsu is the people that went there strictly for that. There are also many people with season passes. The park isn't making admission money from them.

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I would personally love to see a hyper coaster bigger than MF being built out here, but I don't see SFMM getting a new coaster for another 5-10 years. There are some people that don't go for thrills but for their kids so I can see SFMM getting more family oriented attractions.

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I know what they SHOULD do.


Between Deja Vu and the whitewater river is room for a path. They should put a path through there into The Land of the Giants. The long discussed, never realized giant flat package from Huss would be a nice people eater, and 6FMM is sorely in need of some new flats.


What's behind there, anyway? Do they own enough land back there to make a path around to the area next to Viper's station?

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^^ That is correct, but I am saying that it takes a very long time for them to pay off a coaster. I think I heard that Tatsu was around $22 million. I have read in the newspaper that when parks add a new coaster, it takes them at least 5 years just to pay it off. You have to take away from their profit the cost of the food, their employees, the operation of all of the rides, just all of the things that go into making a park. Also the millions of dollars in debt the company is. I am not saying that the park shouldn't have put Tatsu in. My park just got a $20 million GOLIATH. I am just saying that some of you seem to believe that because the crowds are bigger right now, Tatsu will easily get paid off.

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How about a DARK RIDE!!! And not a crappy one either. One with theming...lots of theming...ridiculous amounts of theming...so much theming your head will explode.


^I know that. It just sounded like you thought they would never pay it off. I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. Are we cool?


sorry, I'm new here. Still having trouble editing posts.

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Concerning money, the food/souveneir type items don't make a ton of money, because they mostly pay back the costs of buying that stuff, but even eliminating that, think about how much money they make per day. If 10,000 people went every day, paying $60 a person, that'd be $21,000,000 dollars in 35 days. Now I know that there are tons of maintinence costs, paying employees, etc.etc.etc... but they're still paying off Tatsu pretty fast.



And concerning Flashback, I hope they fix it up, because I've never been on it, and hear that even though it isn't the most comfortable ride around, it's still fun. Plus, it's cool to say "I've been on Intamin's ONLY space diver model." And if they get rid of it, there's really no chance of riding one unless you go and buy one yourself.


They could really improve Flashback if they got some cool B&M trains. The only problem (at least I've heard this, I dunno if it's true or not) is that because of that tightly packed support structure, your hands would get lopped off it you held your arms up, so the cars had to be designed so you couldn't do that.


Basically what I'm saying is that Magic Mountain has lots of potential possibilities, it's just probably not where they're gonna spend money for a while.

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The one coaster I could picture Magic Mountain installing next is maybe a Gerstlauer Spinning Coaster. They're not that expensive (at least when compaired to the price of something made by B&M) and to the best of my knowlege the west coast has yet to see any spinning coaster of any make. The closest California has to a spinning coaster is Survivor: the Ride at PGA.

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They're bringing in a slew of flat rides to increase their--PFFTThahahaha... I couldn't do that with a straight face.


More than likely it'll be cosmetic improvements for the next few years and a couple of minor attractions. Maybe a hyper woodie in 2010.

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I heard they were getting a 700 foot hyper dueling Aqua Trax...oh wait, this isn't the CP 2007 thread?


Seriously, Tatsu JUST OPENED!! There probably won't be any big rides for awhile, let's stop speculating.

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