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Do You Spit or Swallow

Do You Spit Or Swallow Your Gum?  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Do You Spit Or Swallow Your Gum?

    • Swallow
    • Spit

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Right this is simple enough.


Do you spit your chewing gum out before eating, or do you swallow it?


As i swallow everytime. May be unhealthy but it seems to not clog up my tubes.



Bet people thought it was something else. Filthy minds!


(this took one whole weekend to figure out what could work in a topic like this)

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I dont swallow or spit! I find a napkin or some paper towel and wrap it up in that then throw it away like a civilized person. Not just spit it out on the ground like some lazy discusting person or swallow it like its my afternoon snack!

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That title is the bomb!


Anyway, I usually spit. Because I don't like swallowing chewing gum. And if there isn't any bins near, I just keep on chewing until I find one.

Also, is it bad for you if you chew it for a long period of time, because your stomach builds up the acids to digest something, but them if you don't swallow it, it can give you pains in your stomach?

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the whole gum taking a long time to digest is not true. Becuase even if it wont digest, it will come out with all of your other food (just think of corn ). Also, your stomach acid can burn through counter tops so I dont think it will take a long time to digest.

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