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Best Arrow Suspended Coaster

What do you think is the best Arrow Suspended Coaster?  

449 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think is the best Arrow Suspended Coaster?

    • Big Bad Wolf (BGW)
    • Eagle Fortress (Everland)
    • Hayabusa (Tokyo SummerLand)
    • Iron Dragon (CP)
    • Ninja (SFMM)
    • Top Gun (PKI)
    • Vampire (Chessington World of Adventures)
    • Vortex (PCW)

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BBW at night, last car, final drop toward the river. The pull from the rest of the train flings the car on it's side to start the drop; just awesome.


Top Gun at PKI to me seems really smooth and refined; can ride this thing over and over since there's never a line.


I'd love to see either of these with either the OTSR's removed or new open floorless trains. It's hard to believe no suspended coasters have been built in years. The swinging train motions just are just so unique, you can't compare them to any other style coaster.

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Vortex@ Pcw. It will kick your ass from the start to finish, in a good way of course. It is also better than pki's version because of its better setting and because of its shorter trains as pkdcoaster said (was even better last summer with only 5 car trains ).

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Top Gun@ Pcw. It will kick your ass from the start to finish, in a good way of course. It is also better than pki's version because of its better setting and because of its shorter trains as pkdcoaster said (was even better last summer with only 5 car trains ).


why did it have a 5 car train?



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There were (I guess there still is..) rumours that one of the front cars on one of the trains was damaged somehow.


I don't really know alot about it though, other than the back rows in the station being closed.


Last fall there was also an old Vampire car from Chessington spotted in one of the work yards at Pcw. I will try to find the picture.


[edit]I can't find the Vampire car picture, but here is Vortex running with a 5 car train;

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I miss the old Vampire trains. They worked so well with the theme. Stupid Vekoma seats... You have to keep your shoes on now incase you smack into a tree half-way round, (they do get very close)

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Vortex definitely takes the win in this category for me. It remains one of my absolute favourite roller coasters. BBW does come in a close second though, as it was my first.


Cool another Waterloo native on the boards.


Vortex has been running really good lately. A few years ago it was vibrating really bad. But it's smoothed out quite a bit lately.

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Speaking of tree trimming...


Remember that old Ninja ride simulator film? How they had the tree branch smack the camera when it "repeated" the same section of track to make for a longer movie? I think it did it like 3 or 4 times, it got to be hillarious.

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I don't think too highly of any of the Arrow suspendeds because of their pacing issues. Of them though, I'd say my favorite is Ninja. Big Bad Wolf is fun, but the big drop brake and the total stop before the second lift really annoys me. At least with Ninja, the entire ride is well paced and out of control. While it ends lamely with the 2nd lift, I almost prefer that to if the ride did the 2nd lift for another 40 feet or so and then did some sort of weird drop back into the station. While it doesn't seem to be complete, its more complete than adding another minute of lifthill for 5 seconds of coasting. Plus I love Ninja's use of the terrain and hill.

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There were (I guess there still is..) rumours that one of the front cars on one of the trains was damaged somehow.


This is the first I've heard that rumour regarding Vortex.


Are you sure you're not thinking of the PKI accident on Top Gun?

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^^Yeh, its what alot of the users on www.thrillvelocity.com/forums were saying, that one of the cars was damaged. I know about the Pki incident where the train hit the truck or something, so I didn't get it confused with that as far as I remember.


I'm not sure when it started running with only 5 car trains as I only went to Pcw during September last year, so someone else would have to answer that.


I think the one less car (or half car...) did make a difference. It might not have been huge, but I did notice that there was less 'stalling' on the turn over the lift/station and that it flowed a bit better than in previous years.

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Well I can say for sure that it ran 6 cars up until July 9th, 2005. Unforunatly I don't have any pictures or video from later in the year.


To be honest I really didn't even realize that they removed a car since reading this thread. And I really didn't notice a difference in the ride between May,July, and September.


I'm still trying to figure out how I missed noticing this when I was there.


^ Well if a bunch of random forum kids said it happened then it must be true.


No offense but I would take that rumour with a grain of salt.

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I do take that rumour lightly, for the exact reason you said, its just a bunch of kids speculating about what happened.


I probably only noticed a small difference in the ride because I had known about the missing car before I rode it.


I did also notice that it was one of the front cars that was missing, as the back car from each train was the front car (by looking at the numbers on the cars)...if that makes sense.

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  • 2 months later...

My favorite is big bad wolf, but my girlfriend's is Ninja at SFMM by far. She LOVED it on our recent (first) trip to California, we took 7 rides on it over 2 days including front deat rides in the dark, which I too can say make the ride 100 times better.


She took this pic...

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I really like all of the Arrow suspendeds that I've ridden--with the exception of Iron Dragon, which is rather dull--but Top Gun is my favorite.


I do wish somebody would build a new one, though.

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