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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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Howdy folks,


my name's Lukas (but pls call me Luke), an animatronic-enthusiast from Germany. Some days ago a user on here I know posted something about the Country Bear Jubilee show which was at Knoebel's back in the 80s. Does anyone have a memory of this show or maybe even pics/videos?

Would be cool to know.


Many kind greetings,


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  • 2 weeks later...

I will most likely be there tomorrow as well! Any speculation on what room of the mansion changed? There are a couple stunts that have been broken for a long time I'm hoping they fixed, like the monster hands/door gag in the dungeon scene, but I can't think of any rooms that needed to be replaced altogether. If that's what happened then my vote would probably go to something in that initial hallway with the pipe organ, a lot of those gags are pretty lame, or the graveyard scene. I always thought the skull room was a little pointless but everyone I take on the ride reacts really positively to it so what do I know?

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I will most likely be there tomorrow as well! Any speculation on what room of the mansion changed? There are a couple stunts that have been broken for a long time I'm hoping they fixed, like the monster hands/door gag in the dungeon scene, but I can't think of any rooms that needed to be replaced altogether. If that's what happened then my vote would probably go to something in that initial hallway with the pipe organ, a lot of those gags are pretty lame, or the graveyard scene. I always thought the skull room was a little pointless but everyone I take on the ride reacts really positively to it so what do I know?


The jungle room, I hope that is what has completely changed

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Did the Haunted Mansion used to have a vortex tunnel? I get the idea that it did but I'm not sure. If so it's probably much larger if you remove the non-working effect and have a square room, they could have put something there.

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I will most likely be there tomorrow as well! Any speculation on what room of the mansion changed? There are a couple stunts that have been broken for a long time I'm hoping they fixed, like the monster hands/door gag in the dungeon scene, but I can't think of any rooms that needed to be replaced altogether. If that's what happened then my vote would probably go to something in that initial hallway with the pipe organ, a lot of those gags are pretty lame, or the graveyard scene. I always thought the skull room was a little pointless but everyone I take on the ride reacts really positively to it so what do I know?


The jungle room, I hope that is what has completely changed



That was honestly my first pick but then I decided it was probably too "iconic" (if silly) to change. It's one of the things people remember the best because it's right at the end.


Coasterbill that's a fantastic idea, I hope you're right. Is the tunnel supposed to rotate? Because as long as I've been riding it it's pretty much just a strobe and the weird "laser" noise, and also that red laser light effect before it that half the time doesn't seem to be working quite right. Definitely a dead spot, although it does set up some anticipation for the electric chair scare immediately after. I hope the laser noise doesn't go away though, I love that noise.

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Did the Haunted Mansion used to have a vortex tunnel? I get the idea that it did but I'm not sure. If so it's probably much larger if you remove the non-working effect and have a square room, they could have put something there.


I'm pretty sure Black Diamond has the vortex tunnel.

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Did the Haunted Mansion used to have a vortex tunnel? I get the idea that it did but I'm not sure. If so it's probably much larger if you remove the non-working effect and have a square room, they could have put something there.


I'm pretty sure Black Diamond has the vortex tunnel.


Maybe I'm not schooled in the technical terminology here, but Haunted Mansion also has a tunnel with flashing lights... which I believe is supposed to rotate but hasn't in many years (or possibly never did??). So me and coasterbill are saying they could potentially replace it with something else. Black Diamond has a tunnel which actually rotates, so it should stay. We all on the same page now?

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Coaster hungover from yesterday, but this song perked me up:



That was actually very fun to watch! I liked the part on 2:54, with the merry-go-round music mixed in. From now on, everytime I hear that song I am going to think of this park.

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And the winner is: the skull room! It now has upsidedown skeletons playing chess on the ceiling, and the giant skull is now a new jump scare (lights up with noise). The new stuff looks FANTASTIC. The music in the room is now this weird scary atmospheric noise, no more corny 80s horror movie music. That's not all that's new either, some other changes I noticed:


-The organ player now has a head that moves.

-New paint along the warped perspective "laser section"

-Tunnel we were talking about is now another moment of COMPLETE darkness, which are arguably the scariest parts of the ride

-All stunts are working beautifully, including the hands in the dungeon


I cannot express how happy I am with all the changes. My Knoebels Haunted Mansion standards are pretty high and today was possibly the best ride I've ever had on it.

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I would think this might be the busiest day in Knoebels history.


Phoenix is absolutely rolling trains with 20 second dispatches but this is the line, probably 45 mins.


Spilling out the entrance, back to the gift shop then back to Gasoline Alley

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At least as of about an hour ago, Phoenix was only running one train. It's nuts but this is what I was expecting with the Buy one get one deal on handstamps. Basically as many rides as you want for $17 (not that anyone is breaking even with these lines).

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Yeah the other train doesn't seem to be here.


Here's the Twister line out the entrance (which never happens).


Edit: because of the crowds and because of how long it took to get the handstamps Knoebels is keeping the rides open another hour. When it comes to customer service they're just showing off at this point.


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Did they decide to stay open an extra hour due to the crowds? It's 6:45, I'm nearly on Impulse, and the park hasn't cleared out at all. All the rides are still running with people on them.


EDIT: They stayed open longer, I just snagged two more rides on Twister (which is back to its ordinary walk-on self). The park is still going strong as of 7:20 but my brother is cold and hungry so we're leaving. I hope none of the peeps here ducked out at 6.

Edited by neil009
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