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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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^^ It has been posted on several forums that Six Flags has no RMC conversions for any of their parks in 2017.


We are not exactly sure what the 2016 additions are, how do people know what is happening in 2017?


It's all rumors. I actually never heard of the Six Flags RMC rumor for 2017 until last week or so. I don't either believe or disbelieve it at this point. We'll have to wait closer till next year.


But Alan Schilke did confirm at an Iaapa interview that RMC is indeed booked for 2017 as well. They have been able to do a max of 4 projects per year at this point.

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^^ It has been posted on several forums that Six Flags has no RMC conversions for any of their parks in 2017.


We are not exactly sure what the 2016 additions are, how do people know what is happening in 2017?


I know this has nothing too do with the additions but when I went this year to the park I thought it was beautiful, clean, and everything seemed to look very nice where it was. Just my input on how the park looks.

After a crazy 12 hour day, your post just made my night. Being in the park sans Guests really gives you a good chance to look at the park overall, and I think it looks really great. Perfect? No. But it definitely looks kept up and well taken care of.


To address Prozach's post, I won't be saying anything else regarding 2016, but I have been trying not to cause any kind of big hype. I know that no matter what the park could announce, there will be those disappointed.


Now sine we're all pretty focused on this super loop, I don't think it would be a bad addition by any means. If Rush Street Flyer had to be replaced, I can't think of a better replacement than a super loop. It's a small footprint and a prominent location. But we'll all see soon I guess.

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I was at the park today for our usual weekend visit. It really does look great! Lots of Fright Fest stuff is starting to pop throughout the park. My only complaint about our park is that restaurants really need some TLC. Fresh paint, making the restaurant more modern and efficient, new menu items, and a better job of cleaning them. The Coke Freestyle machines flavor cartridges need to be checked and filled throughout the day so that you will be able to get your favorite beverage at anytime.

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Ill take a super loop if helps out financially so they can build the rollercoaster we all want in the next year or two. Thats the only reason i can see for them to put in a state fair type ride. Ill take the Highland fling over a super loop if i want to spin upside down.

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The *only* cool thing about a Super Loop up there is that it'd be at te highest point in the park, themed to an area and sticking over the tree line (even higher than Rush Street now swings). I wouldn't mind it if they didn't cal it a freaking coaster!

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Ill take a super loop if helps out financially so they can build the rollercoaster we all want in the next year or two. Thats the only reason i can see for them to put in a state fair type ride. Ill take the Highland fling over a super loop if i want to spin upside down.


^The only problem with that is that for as long as I can remember, people have been saying "We got the shaft this year so that next year we can build a roller coaster."


Either way, I'd rather have a swing.

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75 ft at 10ft above grade minimum safety envelope.

Would there even be space for a swing lol? It'd be pretty cool as the train station sits below RSF's grade. So you be an extra 20 feet up at full swing over the RR. Plus, the train station is alresdy covered where guest are and the train itself is too.

Edited by RollerManic
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That would be awesome if we got an S&S Giant Swing, I love those rides. Unfortunately that will never happen. I don't even think Six Flags has ever purchased one. I would really like to see a Water Coaster for HH. Just like Wildebeast at Holiday World. I am all for water park update. A water slide complex would be a great addition also.


Something like this

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^Water coaster through the woods next to HH! Pipe dream!


The S&S Screaming Swing would fit in the area, but it would have to be moved closer to the train station. Having the train below grade is the only reason it could fit.

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That would be awesome if we got an S&S Giant Swing, I love those rides. Unfortunately that will never happen. I don't even think Six Flags has ever purchased one. I would really like to see a Water Coaster for HH. Just like Wildebeast at Holiday World. I am all for water park update. A water slide complex would be a great addition also.


I feel like a HH addition/upgrade is definitely going to be in the five year plan. I wouldn't be surprised nor sad if it went:

Flat-HH-Roller Coaster.

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The name for the boss for fright fest is "end of the boss." Early 2016 teaser?

Unless that title has been used before, still no. I think it'd be too expensive to convert it to RMC, and they wouldn't tear down/replace an investment that is just 15-20 years old (unless if it's the Edward Jones Dome!).

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I ran into Dave (park president) today and tried my best to get a bit more out of him. No luck....lol But I'm pretty sure we are getting a superloop.


I want to say about the Justice League, absolutely no problems today! My sons and I rode several times and no down time at all. Also having the 8th car added (from Texas) has really help with wait time quite a bit! We really enjoy this ride and glad to see the "bugs" worked out!!

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