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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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^ The shaking cage in Slaughter House still works! I did it last weekend and it was still really intense with the shocking bolts of electricity across the top!

It's good to know that they are still running it. I'm guessing on Saturday night they just were trying to get people through as quickly as possible.

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Friday was the worst day for Fright Fest this weekend, not many guests were at the park the weather was really cold and rainy especially when the park opened at 6pm.

Saturday was a very good day for Fright Fest the park was full guests. The weather was absolutely perfect all day and night.

Sunday was another bad day weather which kept crowds away.

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^ Turn the trains back around... Maybe that will help!


Batman running in reverse is in the works...from what I was told from a ride operator who works at the park as well.


Hmmmm... Sounds like I may be going back to the park to try it out. Are we talking 2015?

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Batman running in reverse is in the works...from what I was told from a ride operator who works at the park as well.


Hmmmm... Sounds like I may be going back to the park to try it out. Are we talking 2015?


I'm not sure exactly, but 2015 would be good advertising for Justice Leauge and Batman Reverse if that were the case...

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Friday was the worst day for Fright Fest this weekend, only 2,400 guests were at the park the weather was really cold and rainy especially when the park opened at 6pm.

Saturday was a very good day for Fright Fest over 18,000 guests were at the park. The weather was absolutely perfect all day and night.

Sunday was another bad day weather which kept crowds away.

Saturday was odd. When I got to the park around six the entire parking lot was nearly full. Batman had a least an hour wait and Ninja had a 15 minute wait. But by the time it got dark, people seemed to clear the park rather quickly.

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Friday was the worst day for Fright Fest this weekend, only 2,400 guests were at the park the weather was really cold and rainy especially when the park opened at 6pm.

Saturday was a very good day for Fright Fest over 18,000 guests were at the park. The weather was absolutely perfect all day and night.

Sunday was another bad day weather which kept crowds away.

Saturday was odd. When I got to the park around six the entire parking lot was nearly full. Batman had a least an hour wait and Ninja had a 15 minute wait. But by the time it got dark, people seemed to clear the park rather quickly.


sunday was very similiar, seemed like everyone stuck around for freaks unleashed and then headed towards the exit. The last hour and a half was super slow most rides being walk ons.

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I was out at the park last weekend and a worker told me that the park is taking out Panda Express and putting a different restaurant there, not sure if this is true or not. Also was told that the new justice league ride should be really good.

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Sally Dark Rides has a great write up on the closure of Scooby Doo that includes the original storyboards and layout of the attraction. It's really cool, and you can check it out here: http://sallycorp.com/news/one-last-visit-with-scooby-and-the-scary-swamp/


That was a good write up. Thanks for sharing.

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Major demolition work on Scooby-Doo began this week, as has already been stated the boats and scenes were removed weeks ago. Now they are taking down all of the interior walls and whatever is left in the building, after the park closes for the year demolition on the facade and whatever else will be taken down on the outside of the building will begin.

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The building itself is really going to look great, and it will be even better because you will enter into a big hall like you see at world class attractions in the Disney/Universal parks.


I also have some good Fright Fest news! Park management is already looking ahead to Fright Fest 2015. While the last two years have been really good (compared to some of the years in the past), the park is again looking to expand their options offered for Fright Fest.


Thanks to those of you who have posted reviews and comments on here, as I have used them to help answer our Director of Operations' question regarding any suggestions for next year.


Also, if you think that stopping by Guest Relations to give feedback/suggestions is pointless, just know that besides Dave Roemer personally reading through most, if not all, of the suggestions/compliments at least, our Director of Operations comes down towards the end of almost every night to ask what's the buzz (compliments, complaints, suggestions, etc) that evening.

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