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GAME: Continue the Story!


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..the extreme weight of the ACEr, minus the gravity on the moon, caused the kiddie coaster to come uprooted from the moon shortly after he was strapped in. The fat ACEr, along with a handful of frightened Martian children who were on vacation, floated out into the atmosphere, coaster in all, and was launched into orbit around the Earth until...

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Shipped them all to a new park called "Disney's Emo Adventure" themed to everything Emo. Thus, all the coasters were Arrows or Vekomas, because they cause such pain to the rider! Fortunatly, it was just across the border with Nevada (only the entrance plaza and parking lot, which had no coasters was in California), so when Arnold tried to sue...

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...A genetically enhanced Shamu erupted out of Sea World SanAntonio and attacked Texas Adventure for being to close to his park. Shamu barfed radioactive fish giblets that rained over the park in profusion. The park was forced to shut down until...

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...Disney decided to use the radioactive fish chunks as theming for a new attraction themed to a giant, Disney-hating whale. This caused even more people to go emo because, they would have never imagined someone hating disney. This caused a massive uproar within the emo Disney lovers, that lead to the destruction of SeaWorld SanAntonio. Shamu didn't like this destruction of his home so...

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And of course Vekoma the Gerbil. However, Vekoma brought his friend Curdle The Turtle (the lactose intolerant reptile) along for the ceremony and even though the event was somber enough, Vekoma felt doubly bad for Curdle when the Ice Cream Truck meandered down the lane at the cemetery and Curdle immediately had stomach cramps which interrupted the funeral rite being performed by the reuinted "Police" which caused Sting to accidentally slip and instead sing "Wrapped Around Your Sphincter" . . .

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...make a pilgrimage to Paris Hilton's house to learn how to be brainless imbeciles. Paris was offended about the zombies quest for stupidity, so she snached the rifle from out from underneath her bed and ran out to shoot the zombies from her door step. As she began to run down the stairs to the front door, she tripped over Tinkerbell and fell face first down the stars. As she fell, her finger slipped on the rifle's trigger and she shot herself through the brain. When the zombies arrived at Paris's house, they decided to...

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..."How fucking dare ANY OF YOU eat Paris Hilton! She's had a hard year! Here boyfriend gave her crabs! Tinkerbell's mother commited suicide! She has a hang nail! LEAVE PARIS ALONE RIGHT.........NOW. If any of you want to eat Paris Hilton, you're going to have to go through me! In response to this, the zombies stabbed Chris through the chest with a goose feather, and presently devoured him as he expired. After making a meal out of Chris, and then stuffing themselves with Paris for dessert the zombies decided to...

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Create their own buisness, selling ground up celebrities at baseball games after seeing how good Paris Hilton was. But one day, the health inspector came. But before he inspected the zombies, they offered the health inspector a free ride on Son of Beast. When the health inspector got off Son of Beast, he said "My head hurts so f**king bad,I think I had one too many beers last night. What the hell was I supposed to be doing right now, The zombies then replied...

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