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Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread

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For those of you outside the DFW area that aren't seeing the gem of a commercial the park is airing for SkyScreamer, I finally caught it and recorded it:


It's horribly cheesy but it still makes me smile, particularly the guy's evil laugh.

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^ I actually saw this commercial just the other day. At first, when the announcer says "rising 200 feet", I thought it was a SFFT Skyscreamer commercial. But when "The Boss" appears and tells the announcer to go higher, I just started laughing. Gem of an advertisement for the mighty Texas Skyscreamer.

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Sorry to bump this thread, but I'm going to be visiting SFOT for my first time next saturday (unfortunately, this was the only day my schedule allows me to visit) and I was looking for advice. I was mainly wondering what the best way is to get all the coasters in and still have time for multiple rides on NTAG. Since its a saturday i was thinking about possibly getting a flash pass, but I'd rather not spend the extra money. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Went to the park today and finally got to ride Sky Screamers.

Those winds are terrifying! The thoughts that ran through my head while you up there. Once you get past the fear of the winds its actually rather relaxing.

The park had a nice crowd for a Monday, but eh lines where fair. NTAG line was approx 20-30 mins at most. Titan was practiacally walk on.

SkyScreamer was approx 40 mins.

The weather was nice and the park looked great as usual and the staff was did great all around.

Nice! Do you coaster addicts normally head to the park alone? Feels strange, but oh so fun!! LOL

Funny you asked cause usually I don't head to the park alone however, I have no problem going to an amusement park alone. I work in office that is less than a mile away from SFoT and well my apt when you look out my bedroom window you see Titan, Shockwave, and Superman which is too much temptation for a enthusiast. It was never premeditated for me to live and work so close to the park but It just happen to be where I ended up. Living so close to the park in a tourist spot feels like the park really is your backyard, so its super convienant when you have a season pass to just walk or drive to the park. So going along isn't an issue. But on busy days its not cool, especially waiting in line.

So the best way to answer that is yes on weekdays and slow days. No on Saturdays on busy days. In fact thinking right now since Im off so I want to go hop on a ride.

I totally hear you. Live life and have fun! I've done it a few times last season since I had a pass and close myself . My buds says their bodies can't take the G's these days , headache city afterwards. The day's I went same experience minus TSS. Here's hoping to a great space filler in the old Flashback and center space. Smiiiler Smiiiler Smiiiiler !!!!
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For those of you outside the DFW area that aren't seeing the gem of a commercial the park is airing for SkyScreamer, I finally caught it and recorded it:


It's horribly cheesy but it still makes me smile, particularly the guy's evil laugh.

It was cheesy, but it looks like they didn't take any crap for showing the guy smoking, which is surprising considering how sensitive some people can be these days.

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So what do you say we put the why is ShockWave down questions to rest. It's officially down for needed maintenance. No need to keep asking why or when it will re-open as parks never release the reason why a ride is down. Rest assured that it will not reopen until until the needed maintenance is completed, which won't be anytime soon. Should the park release an expected reopen date it will be posted here.

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Shockwave still down today.


The AC in the Mr. Freeze queue is either out or hardly working. It's hotter than being outside and I find it ironic that Batman, a ride themed with underground city tunnels is much cooler than a themed ice cream factory.

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^Went to the park today was packed. Batman was backed nearly to the start of the queue One thing that SFoT has more than any Six Flags park, real customer service. Just had to give recognition for that. Mr Freeze A/C is fixed.

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I took 4 kids with me to SFOT, on Tuesday (June 25th). I noticed upon parking that the park was filling in a lot for a Tuesday, but was relieved to see it was mostly day care groups and they weren't interested in our kinda rides. Still, noticing the crowd building I schlepped my crew straight over to the NTG, to catch that before the line and Texas summer temps got insane. It was closed. So, we high tailed it to Titan. It was practically walk on, but the Sidewinder was closed (my oldest son and his gf won't ride the Titan but love Sidewinder). We started getting a theme going. Pandemonium, closed. Shock Wave, closed. Judge Roy, closed (not that I minded that so much, it's a beating), Superman Tower, closed. Texas Sky Screamer, closed. That's just naming a few. Thankfully, our Gotham rides were still running, so I was able to get on Mr. Freeze. It became evident that the lines were getting bigger and bigger for these rides (because that's all there is for us thrill seekers), and the temps higher and higher. So, we opted out of the hour long wait for Batman the Ride, because it simply isn't worth that long of a wait in the heat. Nobody could tell us why all of those big named rides were not running and if they were going to be open later in the day. So, we bolted at around 2pm. I was shocked at how many rides at one time, especially popular ones were closed. I was glad that we are season pass holders. I would have been highly ticked if we had paid $35-$50 a head to get in, only to have those rides closed. We will be back, and for the record, we did have fun even if we couldn't ride some of our favorites.

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^Went to the park today was packed. Batman was backed nearly to the start of the queue One thing that SFoT has more than any Six Flags park, long A$$ lines




That is why I avoid SFOT like the plague on weekends. I can think of a million things more enjoyable than standing in long a$$ lines in the 95+ degree heat, like shopping for groceries at the local big box store I won't mention the name of. Kudos to you for trudging through it. My kids know better than to ask me to go on a weekend. I hate lines, especially if I am melting..

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I took 4 kids with me to SFOT, on Tuesday (June 25th). I noticed upon parking that the park was filling in a lot for a Tuesday, but was relieved to see it was mostly day care groups and they weren't interested in our kinda rides. Still, noticing the crowd building I schlepped my crew straight over to the NTAG, to catch that before the line and Texas summer temps got insane. It was closed. So, we high tailed it to Titan. It was practically walk on, but the Sidewinder was closed (my oldest son and his gf won't ride the Titan but love Sidewinder). We started getting a theme going. Pandemonium, closed. Shock Wave, closed. Judge Roy, closed (not that I minded that so much, it's a beating), Superman Tower, closed. Texas Sky Screamer, closed. That's just naming a few. Thankfully, our Gotham rides were still running, so I was able to get on Mr. Freeze. It became evident that the lines were getting bigger and bigger for these rides (because that's all there is for us thrill seekers), and the temps higher and higher. So, we opted out of the hour long wait for Batman the Ride, because it simply isn't worth that long of a wait in the heat. Nobody could tell us why all of those big named rides were not running and if they were going to be open later in the day. So, we bolted at around 2pm. I was shocked at how many rides at one time, especially popular ones were closed. I was glad that we are season pass holders. I would have been highly ticked if we had paid $35-$50 a head to get in, only to have those rides closed. We will be back, and for the record, we did have fun even if we couldn't ride some of our favorites.


Yeah, I was out there on Tuesday as well. Too bad about all those rides being closed. But Gold Pass holders could get free refills on slurpees all day long with a special coupon they give you at the parking gate. Great way to beat the heat.

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I took 4 kids with me to SFOT, on Tuesday (June 25th). I noticed upon parking that the park was filling in a lot for a Tuesday, but was relieved to see it was mostly day care groups and they weren't interested in our kinda rides. Still, noticing the crowd building I schlepped my crew straight over to the NTAG, to catch that before the line and Texas summer temps got insane. It was closed. So, we high tailed it to Titan. It was practically walk on, but the Sidewinder was closed (my oldest son and his gf won't ride the Titan but love Sidewinder). We started getting a theme going. Pandemonium, closed. Shock Wave, closed. Judge Roy, closed (not that I minded that so much, it's a beating), Superman Tower, closed. Texas Sky Screamer, closed. That's just naming a few. Thankfully, our Gotham rides were still running, so I was able to get on Mr. Freeze. It became evident that the lines were getting bigger and bigger for these rides (because that's all there is for us thrill seekers), and the temps higher and higher. So, we opted out of the hour long wait for Batman the Ride, because it simply isn't worth that long of a wait in the heat. Nobody could tell us why all of those big named rides were not running and if they were going to be open later in the day. So, we bolted at around 2pm. I was shocked at how many rides at one time, especially popular ones were closed. I was glad that we are season pass holders. I would have been highly ticked if we had paid $35-$50 a head to get in, only to have those rides closed. We will be back, and for the record, we did have fun even if we couldn't ride some of our favorites.


Yeah, I was out there on Tuesday as well. Too bad about all those rides being closed. But Gold Pass holders could get free refills on slurpees all day long with a special coupon they give you at the parking gate. Great way to beat the heat.

Most Rides were closed due to very high winds, other than Shockwave and Giant

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I was thinking about going this friday but wihtout an ETA on the shockwave's return I can't come back. it's not worth the drive if i can't ride my favorite SFoT coaster


NTAG and TSS are more than worth the drive down.



My son is only 44" so the shockwave is a big part of our trip. This is the first month I haven't gone in a long time.

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