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The "Sören´s Way To Disney" Thread

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Yesterday I told my boss, what I want to do. That I´ve gotten a job at WDW for next March! He was so nice and understanding. He told me it is no problem and he would also do that, in my age! Yes, I have a good boss!


However, today I called the International Services in France and told them, that I want the job! She said I get a package with all the documents I need, in the next weeks! I am so curious!

Anyway, I let you know each step, I am doing on my way to Disney!



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^ It is definitely sure, becuase my flight goes on March 14th!


However, everyone can come and visit me at the German Pavilion! Yes, you all can make some funny pictures of me, wearing some Lederhosen! :? Have I ever said, that I have never worn Lederhosen, before?

I hope there will be some time, to visit some parks with you guys! I have heard from some IPs (International Program Cast Member) that there is definitely some time to have fun and visit some things in Florida! That sounds not bad to me!



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Yes, you all can make some funny pictures of me, wearing some Lederhosen! :? Have I ever said, that I have never worn Lederhosen, before?


Now you're going to have to change your signature! How does it feel to be propagating German stereotypes?

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Remember also, you might be (who am I kidding? You WILL BE...) asked to pose for photos with.... Oceans of Shamus?


Better start limbering up and getting those arms strong and muscled for the many, many shoulders they'll embrace - for pix of course - during your stay there in 'Germany.'


Hope that everything works out for you in this new part of your life - and more!

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Now you're going to have to change your signature! How does it feel to be propagating German stereotypes?


Oh, you are right, Wes! I´ll change it soon!

However, if the people at Epcot want to see German guys in Lederhosen, then I show them those! I mean everyone who visit the German Pavilion, thinks that is how Germany looks like!



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Congrats Soren...We'll definitely have to come visit you! Too bad I won't be able to legally drink with you at any lounges this time around...


-Joey "Can you please bring our German girls with you?!?!?" Mandel

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I just remembered! You'll be there during EPCOT's (gasp) 25th Anniversary!


Opened in October of 1981, wasn't it? I still have an original special opening day ticket for it here somewhere.... Got it thru an early edition of (then) Disney News.


And Germany was one of the original countries in WS that opened with the Experimental Community Of Tomorrow.


Kewl. You're gonna be busy, busy there into the fall.

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Congrats Soren...We'll definitely have to come visit you! Too bad I won't be able to legally drink with you at any lounges this time around...


-Joey "Can you please bring our German girls with you?!?!?" Mandel



Pssst Joey, I am sure we´ll finde a place to drink! Umm, I´ll see what I can do! Maybe they came with me.... ...hmm, I don´t think so!



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I just remembered! You'll be there during EPCOT's (gasp) 25th Anniversary!


Opened in October of 1981, wasn't it? I still have an original special opening day ticket for it here somewhere.... Got it thru an early edition of (then) Disney News.


And Germany was one of the original countries in WS that opened with the Experimental Community Of Tomorrow.


Kewl. You're gonna be busy, busy there into the fall.


Thanks Bill,

good to let me know that! :? However, come to visit me there, that I can kick your ass. I think that will be a nice picture, a German guy in Lederhosen kicks a Canadian guest!



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-Joey "Can you please bring our German girls with you?!?!?" Mandel


Umm, I´ll see what I can do! Maybe they came with me.... ...hmm, I don´t think so!


Joey, have you seen the Norweigian chicks that do international program??? If Soren can't manage to bring any hot German girls with him, rest assured that Norway will send plenty!



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Congrats Soren! You have an experience ahead of you that's for certain. The wife, myself and friends will be at Disney next year for our 10th anniversary. We will have to track you down at the German Pavillion for a "German Guy wearing Lederhosen yelling 'WHOOTAH'" pic!


You'll have a great time! Be sure to work on that VISA if you wish to stay. Everyone here will help out in any way they can... rest assured.




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Soren, I'll happily give you a ride to Wal-Mart and any parks. We'll have many adventures to the parks! Its gonna rock! You'll love working down there.


And if you can't find any hot German girls, you'll be living with all the other International Programers, so I'm sure you could find at least one by the pool! I've seen em firsthand.


Can't wait to meet you and I'll definitely stop by to see the Lederhosen!

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What about the guys Julie??


Guys? I am there, next year, Chrissie! Isn´t that good enough? Look at me, I am the hot german guy, wearing Lederhosen!


If Soren isn't hot enough for you Chrissie, I've found that the UK tends to send the nicest looking men! You may be working right next to a real hottie if you end up there!


-Julie (who misses the Scotland area of Millenium Village...kilts...nummy )

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Yesterday I told my boss, what I want to do. That I´ve gotten a job at WDW for next March! He was so nice and understanding. He told me it is no problem and he would also do that, in my age! Yes, I have a good boss!


However, today I called the International Services in France and told them, that I want the job! She said I get a package with all the documents I need, in the next weeks! I am so curious!

Anyway, I let you know each step, I am doing on my way to Disney!




I wish you best of luck with your decision.


BTW, I will be visiting WDW next year!

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I just remembered! You'll be there during EPCOT's (gasp) 25th Anniversary!


Opened in October of 1981, wasn't it? I still have an original special opening day ticket for it here somewhere.... Got it thru an early edition of (then) Disney News.


And Germany was one of the original countries in WS that opened with the Experimental Community Of Tomorrow.


Kewl. You're gonna be busy, busy there into the fall.


Off by a year. Epcot opened Oct 1st, 1982. Mayeb if Soren gets a 7 month extension. Well, he will be there in 2007 won't he.

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