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I was at a Halloween Party last night! It was fantastic!


I wish I had taken my camera because it would of made a fab Random Photo TR!


Tonight there is a party at my union but im not sure if Im gonna go yet, Still undecided!


Have a good night every1!

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It's 6:00 PM over here, and Americans, who live on-base and off-base, and even Germans too!, are coming to our house to trick-or-treat.


It's easy to tell who's German or American because Americans say "Trick-or-Treat!" then "Thanks!" when they come/leave. Germans say "Hallo!" then "Tschuess!" when they come/leave.


This is actually... pretty cool!

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HUGE Halloween Party here in Chapel Hill. They close off Franklin Street and there are supposed to be an estimated 75,000 people out on the streets. I need to get a costume, fast.


Here's a sample:



That's how it looked when UNC won the NCAA Championship, the party is going to be bigger than that.

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a halloween spent NOT trick-or-treating, but doing a FECKING PROJECT

all my friends get to go out, but do i, NO, because my film teacher gives us 1 week to shoot a 5 min. movie, compared to the 7 weeks she gave us to make a 1 min. movie.



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A lot of students here at the U of MN went down to Madison, Wisconsin last weekend for the big "party" (I use that term loosely) on State Street. The natives don't seem too happy that 75,000 students descend on Madison, as ads have been running all week in the Daily telling students to stay away from Madison. Didn't seem to work.


As for myself I stayed here in Minneapolis to watch our Gophers melt down against Ohio State, then went out Saturday night.

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My friend had a party with like 15 people, but we were almost the only people out trick or treating in her neighborhood. It was fun though, even though we all got tired by 8:40. I now have enough candy to last me until Christmas (though around my house, it usually lasts until next Halloween...).

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