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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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Does anybody else suspect that they are hideously behind schedule for a 2010 opening? At best, 15 months from where they are now to finished product on an entire land? I was hoping that they might have it open by the time my wife and I go to Florida on Spring Break 2010, but I think that's out of the question.


15 months before Disney opened Expedition Everest, the 3 structures involved were about halfway done. The foundations were complete 2 years before opening. And that was all for one ride (and the associated theming, of course). Even the prep work started 3 years before opening!


Universal definitely has their job cut out for them to build a dozen or more buildings and theme it all. I'm just worried that the tight schedule might lead to a substandard product. I'd almost prefer that they push the opening date back to 2011 and get it done right.


I'm looking back on past information, and Universal thought they'd have Hogwarts DONE by late 2008/early 2009. We haven't even seen one structure begin to go up on top of the box.


The box itself has only been completed (and by that, I mean enclosed) for a few months now. Assuming the interior was empty until the exterior was completed, the super-mega-robot-arm-ride only has about 18 months to be constructed, themed, and tested. When you're competing with Disney quality theming on such a popular intellectual property, 18 months may not cut it (again, compare that timeline with Expedition Everest). This also means that other high-quality attractions may not find their way into Potter-ville, at least not by opening day.

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^ My guess is that Potter is behind schedule because of HRRR's lift issues on top of the fact that the resort is currently working on two major construction projects at the moment.


The opening probably will be delayed, but that gives Universal extra time to perfect the theming.

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Sorry to bring back a pretty much dead topic, but today I received another free ticket from Universal that also came with 1-day 2park admission coupon.(and in no way am I complaining )

I was wondering if anyone else has either received one or know why they might of sent this one on top of the 7 day one.

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Plus all the facades for Hogsmeade and such are being built off-site, and when Universal is ready for them.. they will all be put In place like a giant jigsaw I imagine. I can't say this for the castle exterior for sure.. but i guess it would most likely be the same method.

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I think the speed at which Hagrid's hut was finished off should indicate how this project will go. The structure takes the longest to build, but finishing work is done very fast. If they're behind schedule, they can hire many artisans to come in and work on finishing simultaneously and not worry about much conflict, while the same is not true about building structures as well as the infrastructure within (internet, electricity, etc.).


The finishing is what makes the land look remarkable and engrossing.

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Plus all the facades for Hogsmeade and such are being built off-site, and when Universal is ready for them.. they will all be put In place like a giant jigsaw I imagine. I can't say this for the castle exterior for sure.. but i guess it would most likely be the same method.


Ah... so maybe they're not as behind as it looks. Where are the insider pics from the offsite building location?

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