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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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I don't know if this has been posted or not but Screamscape has done some quick "research" on a photo(s)... (Dont know if they were released ones) and found some matching points to some of the maps that were posted in other replies, have a look:



Coming from Jurassic Park to the Harry Potter entrance.



Overall view map? or Top... Aerial View



One last aerial shot.


Again, sorry if this has been posted, its not groundbreaking news or anything, kindof a neat find from comparisons.

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He may have meant "low budget" as in High in the Sky Seuss Trolley had a price tag of $70 million, and the Mummies combined added up to near $90 million. Universal seems to have adopted the Disney/Govermental "$80,00 hammer, $200,000 toilet seat" way of budgetting and spending! Mummy in FL should have been $30 mil tops, and $20 for Hollywoods. But either way, it's going to be expensive.


I wasn't going to post in this anymore, but thanks for pointing out what I meant.


That price tag includes two brand new rides (The Harry Potter and Simpson's rides) that probably aren't going to be all that cheep. I've heard that Spiderman was $100-$200 million by itself. I'm not saying the rides are going to be that expensive... or even that amazing, but yeah they won't be cheep. And I would think building the castle would take up a large portion of the money as well.


Actually I dont know how much theming/scenery/buildings cost but I dont think they're that astronomical....I mean it will be a nice castle with lots of detail no doubt, but I cant see it costing more than, say, $10 million

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Id love to see the Dueling Dragons ride re-routed a bit to enhance the experience, and re-paint it either in a new coat of paint the same colors or a completely different bunch of colors, because the colors look really dull now, but I think they didnt re-paint it because of this occasion, they might change the colors completely. Just a thought.

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What do you mean by reroute? Like changing the layout of the ride?

I think he was talking about the que line.


Also... I have read off of various websites (Specifically I think I might have read it off of Jim Hill media) that Disney has plans of their own to launch a land to compete with harry potter. What do they plan though? A pixar themed land. You can't seriously tell me that people would rather see Pixar then Harry Potter can you? If Disney was smart... they would talk to Mr. Lucas and develop a land entirely devoted to Star Wars. There's a land that would crush competition from Harry Potter.

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^I believe the Oriental Land Company owns some kind of rights prohibiting Disney's use of the Test Track rides system (also used in Journey) with any theme related to the center of the earth. To be able to reproduce Japan's amazing attraction, Disney would have to pay a large sum of money to "rent" it off of the OLC, much like what they did with Cinderellabration. That is how it has been explained to me.

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