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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I don't think I posted my feelings on this ride after I rode it in October for the first time.


I got two rides. First in front row, second in second row. The first time my friends told me the wrong song number and I had a TERRIBLE song, the 2nd ride I had a good song.


I thought the ride was REALLY good, and didn't understand all the bitching and complaining about it. I didn't feel any roughness in the first two rows. It was a really fun ride, very intense in parts, a bit odd in other parts.


The weirdest thing about the ride was it felt like it was designed for wild mouse cars. And now, seeing the model at IAAPA with many of the same elements with the spinning mouse car it almost makes sense! The transitions were just too tight or too crazy for as big of a vehicle as was on the track. Wasn't bad in the front car, but I could understand people in the back car getting a bit rough.


The ride still has a few problems from what I've heard but nothing terrible, enjoy your ride!

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I rode it once in the backseat and liked the ride a lot (especially the non-inverting loop). My only complaint was a bit of "whiplash," which I understand isn't as much of an issue in the front.

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I wish you luck, shepp. In my opinion after the first time on it, the ride isn't worth more than a 15 minute wait. ...And that's coming from a Universal fanboy.


Well, thanks. I'm not flying cross-country specifically to ride HRRR, of course, but as part of a fairly rushed family, cruise, and rides trip that'll also include a first go at the Kissimmee SkyCoaster and, since I'm flying into FLL, a return to the DB Hurricane. And hey, have to use up those Super Bowl free passes to USO before they expire, right? (IOA is still my favorite theme park, though I wish Potterland were already open, as was originally planned.)


So it's good to hear that Internet reports that HRRR is about as dependable as, oh, TTD in its first year are somewhat exaggerated. And Elissa's praise is encouraging.


What I really need luck on is DD still being running. Someone I spoke to at Universal said she doubted they'd shut it down before the holidays, but...

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What I really need luck on is DD still being running. Someone I spoke to at Universal said she doubted they'd shut it down before the holidays, but...


I have to agree that I cannot see them shutting down DD until after the holidays. A re-paint does not take too long, and I imagine the wheel covers can be replaced just as easily. If I am not mistaken, the queue is already being worked on, with the entrance re-routed through the exit path.


As far as HRRR, I had varying opinions. The first time riding (last row), I had a great ride... the non-inverting loop was an awesome element (which was surprising), and this was with a crappy song (I wasn't quick enough in choosing). I had 5 rides total throughout my two days, and some rides were much more rough than others, but still enjoyable. It's not an amazing, top-10 ride, but definitely worth the wait to experience it once.

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If I am not mistaken, the queue is already being worked on, with the entrance re-routed through the exit path.


So the Universal rep said, and who among us won't miss that 5-mile hike through the dungeon, a queue route so long that, before the end of it, you've forgotten which ride you're heading for?

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I rode it once in the 3rd row..........and I hated it. Had lots of shimmying and shaking, was boring, and pretty much the only part I enjoyed was the non-inverting loop. The overbanked turn over the queue is too slow so you basically get dumped to your right as you go through the turn. There weren't any moments of airtime (I'm nowhere near an airtime junkie like so many on TPR are, but I DO enjoy at least SOME airtime), and most of the ride was forceless.


The helix right towards the end wasn't bad, but it was hard to concentrate with the rock-hard lapbar stapling me into my seat. And then add to the fact that we had to wait an hour because the ride went down for a good amount of time while we were waiting, and then I got stuck in the station for 10 minutes after my ride, and it just completely ruined any positive thoughts I had left about the ride.


Seriously, I was in the unload position in the station, and they had no way to unload us when the ride went down. No manual release or anything. That seems to be a SERIOUS safety hazard if something were to go terribly wrong and they couldn't let guests out if the ride shut down. Maybe they just didn't see the need to let us out since it wasn't an emergency, but I thought it was really crappy that a train full of people who should have been able to get off the ride, couldn't.


Rant over.

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I have to agree that I cannot see them shutting down DD until after the holidays. A re-paint does not take too long, and I imagine the wheel covers can be replaced just as easily. If I am not mistaken, the queue is already being worked on, with the entrance re-routed through the exit path.


Agreed, I don't see the ride being down till sometime in early 2010.


If you get to DD early, you should be able to get a few re-rides in with hardly any wait. Last Tuesday I was able to ride each side 3 times in about 45 minutes, that includes 2 times in the front on Ice.

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I've been out of this for a while, but something has been nagging me. Below is a list of contractors for the HP project that was posted by Teebin at Orlando United. Ride System -- Empire Dynamic Structures Limited. That's a dead give away that Universal is employing a Robocoaster track and system for the Forbidden Journey. Empire Dynamic Structures Limited website

They seem to be the robocoaster supplier for this continent.


As noted in this link, the company is also called RoboCoaster Ltd.


I doubt anything employed by Universal for the forbidden journey will be a true rollercoaster track, but they can make powered cars run along a flat track.


Just thought this was interesting, sorry if I just missed it already.


A&E Services -- Post, Buckley, Shuh & Jernigan, Inc

Audio -- Technomedia Solutions, LLC

Automata -- Austin 2 Paris, Inc

Building -- Met-Con, Inc

Building Shell -- BUCON, Inc

Conveyor System -- Magic Carpet

Curtain Divider Installation -- InterAmerica Stage, Inc

Demolition -- Central Environmental Services, Inc

Directional signs -- Sign Producers, Inc

Exterior and Interior Theming -- The Nassal Company

Facade Mock-up -- The Nassal Company

Lighting/Lighting Design -- Point of Light

Media -- CafeFX

Miscellaneous Services -- Smart Ride, Inc

Projection/Projection video -- Electrosonic Systems

Prop Fabrication -- Cinnabar Florida, Inc

Prop Installation -- Austin 2 Paris, Inc

Props -- Gentle Giant Studios

Ride System -- Empire Dynamic Structures Limited

Ride Show Supervisor System -- ITEC Entertainment Corporation

Seat Module Assembly -- Roush Industries, Inc

Show Equipment -- Advanced Animations

Show Equipment -- Advanced Entertainment Technology, Inc

Show Equipment Package No. 01 -- Setpoint

Show Set Design -- Lexington Acquisition

Special Effects -- Backstage Technologies, Inc

Special Effects -- Entech Creative Industries Corp.

Themed Concrete -- UCC Group, Inc

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Personally I don't feel that harry potter will be around forever. It has been a very successful book series but there is only so much you can do with it. I like dueling dragons the way it is. It's more general and it's not very limited for marketing purposes. With a predominate harry potter theme, it becomes limited. They shouldn't change it.

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^You can say the same thing though about every other character/story themed section of parks except for Sir Mickey. Snoopy, Spongebob, Spiderman, they all have a life cycle too, HP is no different.


I'm aware of that, that's why I said I don't think it will stick that well. The story has already been told. With themes that stick, either the story is endless like spider man, or it has been around for a long time. The same as this would apply with wiggles world and Thomas the train. I'm not trying to be objectionable I'm just saying that I don't think it will stick for a long period of time, and it's sad that they are switching the classic Dueling Dragons to 'Dragon Challenge'. Why can't parks be original in themes? Walt Disney was original and look were it got him.

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themeparkman25 wrote:

^You can say the same thing though about every other character/story themed section of parks except for Sir Mickey. Snoopy, Spongebob, Spiderman, they all have a life cycle too, HP is no different.



I'm aware of that, that's why I said I don't think it will stick that well. The story has already been told. With themes that stick, either the story is endless like spider man, or it has been around for a long time. The same as this would apply with wiggles world and Thomas the train. I'm not trying to be objectionable I'm just saying that I don't think it will stick for a long period of time, and it's sad that they are switching the classic Dueling Dragons to 'Dragon Challenge'. Why can't parks be original in themes? Walt Disney was original and look were it got him.


It is a bummer sometimes that parks go with product branding over originality, however, the park is still a business to make money. And hot trends, like Harry Potter, Twilight, The Nickelodeon characters, etc, in their time, bring in more money. Once that time is past, and popularity drops off, the park will change whatever it needs to.


If it helps, I too liked The Lost Continent for it's originality/lack of branding. Things like The Enchanted Oak and Dueling Dragons were very cool and different.


As Bootstrap Bill once said, "The die is cast."

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^ That's a good point. I mean dragon challenge may be the closest thing to the original theming but the fourth book is "old news". i think they should definitely have re-themed the dragons to something that is prevalent in all of the HP books versus one chapter from one book... just my humble opinion.

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... And hot trends, like Harry Potter, Twilight, The Nickelodeon characters, etc, in their time, bring in more money. Once that time is past, and popularity drops off, the park will change whatever it needs to.


If it helps, I too liked The Lost Continent for it's originality/lack of branding. Things like The Enchanted Oak and Dueling Dragons were very cool and different.


As Bootstrap Bill once said, "The die is cast."


That's exactly it, a park can't have a temporary trend or theme that ruins a ride and then will have to be redone in a few years. That's why it's sad. They are ruining dueling dragons in my opinion.

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^And see, I don't understand how you ruin a coaster by changing 1/2 its name, and removing some of the medieval themeing, which, I would assume, is just going to get replaced with more scenery.


Coasters are the same, the castle is pretty much left unchanged and they're still going to duel, I don't see a problem here. I think call the coasters "ruined" is quite a bold statement, and one that, to me, isn't backed. But to each his own.

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