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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Ok now I know why they put music on the train so that way you don't hear how loud the lift hill is.



They are running the coaster in test mode in that video. Check out page 187 to see it at full speed. The lift does not sound quite as loud in that one.


I already saw the video on 187. It's still pretty loud.

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before I select my songs, when do we pick the song for the ride and will each seat have it set up so you cant hear the other persons song? if anyone knows let me know i'm interested.


I'd say Country would have to be my first selection, grew up with it since I was a child. I'd go with livin in fast forward by Kenny as my first choice.


honorable mentions for future selections...


Devil Went Down to Georgia...

Cant Touch This

maybe Bad Girls in a no homo way hahaha


cant wait to go to orlando to check it out in da future...

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I drove by Nassal today like I do most days, but this time I decided to pull into the alley and take a peek. Not a whole lot of progress since the last time I saw photos, except for some roofing. I will keep my eye out over the next few weeks and take pics if I see any noticeable progress.

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They have been runnning quite a few radio ads for Universal these past few weeks that tells the listener about its new coaster. I wonder how many people get upset to find out that it is still not open once they get there.


Their has even been a considerable amount of commercials and other mentions on HRRRRRRR on the radio down here.

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I love how the LED's are programmed to flash differently after they crest the lift hill. The whole experience with the open air cars, unique maneuvers and soungs you get to pick yourself will definately make this an amazing attraction.

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