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Nicci and I broke up ...


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These were taken from my Greatest Journal ....


I talked to Nicci tonight after a couple of days of not hearing from her. I could tell something was bothering her because she just wasn't the same. She has been under a lot of stress and is getting very scared about me coming down to live with her. I am so scared that she doesn't love me anymore and it is killing me inside. She had to go because she has to get up early and when I said I love you she didn't say it right back but eventually did. I will be so destroyed if I loose her, I love her so much .....


Last night I was feeling horrible, I had to take my nerve pill Clonazempam to calm me down so I could go to sleep. I woke up today because I heard the phone ringing, it was Nicci ... I was so happy to hear her voice. She still wants to break up with me, she says that we are too different and it wouldn't work.


This is killing me, everything we have done together, everything I know and all of my love is just meaningless. All of my feelings were for lies .... I can't explain how painful this is to me, to know that all of your love, everything you know is a lie. She told me she loved me, she said she wants to be with ... we made love ... and now it is all turning out to be lies.


I can respect Nicci for wanting to end this now, so I don't move down and then find this out but finding out the person you love with all of your heart and you think feels the same about you, really doesn't ... well needless to say it is the worst pain I have ever had.


She said she wanted me, she said she loved me, why did she say these things, why did she make love to me if she didn't really love me. I really feel like she is going to leave me and it is killing me, everything I have been, loved and worked for these past months are now meaningless. I can't believe she is doing this to me ....


Nicci and I have broken up ...


*This is not from my journal*


I am really depressed right now, I just want to throw up ... I don't hate Nicci for this and I still care about her but this is just devastating me. I want to let my TPR family know this happened because I really need some support right now

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I can't honestly say I know what you're going through... but, I'm really sorry that this happened.


"Meaningless love"... I believe there is no such thing. I have confidence that, even though she thinks it wouldn't work out, she will always remember you.


Again, really sorry.

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Thank you everyone for the kind words, I don't regret the time I spent with Nicci and I will remember it for the good that it was. I just feel so lost now, I had my life finally going in a direction and now I am back to square one. Now I am back to just being the high school drop out at home ... at least my new medication is helping me out with my mental illness. Sigh, my poor mind ...

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It's always sad to hear of the end of a relationship.


I got the same thing from my wife just over two years ago. We're still together---barely, but it'll probably end at some point.


We've been together over 20 years and it'll be hard to make the adjustment. Unfortunately, our daughter is the one who's gonna take the real hit.


My thoughts are with ya.



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She still wants to break up with me, she says that we are too different and it wouldn't work.


My dear Stitch...I am so sorry that you have to go through this, but as Elissa said, everything happens for a reason. If it is any consolation...opposites attract, not push away. Give her some time and space. In the meanwhile, take some time to think things through, but most importantly, don't do anything you will regret out of desperation or anger. Hope to see ya in chat so we can talk about this...If you're up to it.

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Hey kiddo - you got support, lots of it, thru here. You can PM me any time, ok? And anybody else here, ok?


Sorry to hear it Emotional hurts are buggers to heal. It'll happen, but the time might be a bit well, you know. Awful. Crappy.


Take a long breath in. Exhale it slowly and let yourself ride it out feeling your insides riding part of it. Sit in a good chair for this, lol.


Take care of yourself.

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I dont really believe in the "being in love" or even "Falling in love" concepts.


Love is an action, not an aura. You either choose to love someone, or not. It doesnt just "magically" happen and it doesnt just "suddenly" stop. Its a decision you make, conscious or not.



Hang in there. I wont use any cliche terms like "more fish in the sea" and such because I know if I ever lose my girl I will be beyond devestated. More fish? Yes. Ones I could love as much as I love this one? No.


My girlfriend used to think we were too different. We had a time that wasnt very stable and there was a degree of "whats going to happen" but we stuck with it and through it we learned that 2 people who are very different, but understand how to use that to grow and mature together provide one of the best relationships out there. Everyone is different and no two people I believe can coexist with each other and never fight or find differences.


Its all about how you choose to grow from those differences. Because of my girl Ive learned alot because Ive allowed myself too, same for her. I find most people are just too closed off to that concept, she could be one of those.




If anything, try to come out of this a better person. More mature and look for any lessons to be learned. Maximize the outcome and dont be depressed any longer than you have too. I did that for 2 years, 2 years I wish I had back.

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Thanks everyone for the caring words, I am trying my best to deal with this but it is not easy because I have my mental illnesses. This is such a difficult thing to deal with and as you said Real, "More fish? Yes. Ones I could love as much as I love this one? No. " I am not interested in any other fish, I was happy with mine

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Spend a couple weeks sulking around, listening to super-emo music, watching sad movies ("Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is a good one) but then force yourself to go out and meet other people. If you spend your time moping around, you won't get out of the mood you are in. Even if you don't want to, try to go out and have fun. Start some sort of new hobby that takes your mind off of it.


It's really easy to be defeatist about stuff like this, but it's better to try to overcome that.

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Wes had a good idea, just try to keep on going on with life.


Try not to concentrate on it. before I was with the Great Adventure employee, I was with this one girl who left me for my best friend. That was killer and I was out of it for a month but once I got over it and accepted it things went back to normal and I was even able to be cool with my best friend and all (having him dump her didn't hurt either). What Im saying is to not dwell on it or you could live a very sad life for a while.


While not trying to dwell on it, don't ignore it either. Look back and see what you could have done to make it better. Sometimes you may find things, other times there's nothing that could have been done, but if something is there to be learned don't ignore it!


- Joe, who hopes there is at least one bit of decent advice in there

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I am feeling a bit more stable but I still have a long road ahead of me. I really want to thank everyone for their support, I am alone all day and my only social interaction is you all, so it really helped me. I must say that anyone who thinks emotional pain doesn't exist needs to be in my shoes, they will know how much it hurts

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I am so sorry, Eric.

What can I say? I know how you feel! I had a bad experience in 2004, too!

I left my perfect apartment, to live with my girlfriend Andrea in her little nice apartment! She said she love me and want to live with me in her apartment. Then one evening, I came home earlier! Do you know what happened? Yes, I found her with another guy in our bed! That really broke my heart. I was so shocked. I had a little present for her in my hand, which felt on the floor after I saw that! I was out of control and I kicked the guy out of the apartment! Then I jumped in my car and drove away, far away. I had bad feelings to kill myself, but a good friend helped me! I found a bed at his home, for a few days and then he helped me to transport my stuff to a new apartment!

After that I was never the same, again! I lived in her apartment for 3 month and then that! I have no idea how long that happened with her and the guy.

This is the first time, since a long time I told that someone.

However, that was my bad story. I hope you will finde a way to handle that. I know it is hard, but there will be a time you´ll feel better and maybe finde a new and better one!



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