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The Official "Chocolate and Candy Trading" Thread!


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Jaffas ore little balls of orange falvourd choclet with candy coastin

Pineapple Lumps are pinapple falvourd mash mellow type things coverd in chocolate

and snifters are like hard candy with choclate


Hey Zane,

that sounds good. I mean you are 15 years old, I am sure you know good candy and chocolate!



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Nrthwnd said that the US drug and food administration wouldn't sell candy that had an unedible part in it correct? Well the wonderball doesn't come with a toy but a sticker is included inside the chocolate ball, would it be considered unedible?


Yes, I knew about Wonderball, Kroger8. I think it's just that since the stickers can be torn up and possibly dissolved in water.... or thrown away like regular paper wrapping. But for some reason, the US FDA must think that a child is going to swallow a Kinder Egg whole, with the hard toy or toy parts still in it. Yeah, right. And the yellow/orange/colored toy holder inside the chocolate too, hmm?


Good old US Standards and Practises - meh.

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And since him and I live on opposite sides of the country, we might have more regional stuff we can separately send you way, hmmm?


Nothing going on in this corner of Canada. The closest chocolate factory to us is the Nestle factory in London (Ontario, not England! )

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This is where it's at. I'm totally game for trading chocolate as well. I'm a big fan of that German chocolate bar that has honeycomb in it. In high school, I was friends with one of the school's German exchange students and he hooked me up. I love some of our chocolate, but it still doesn't compare to German, but I think everybody knows that. So yeah, anybody who wants to trade, PM me and we'll exchange addresses and everything.

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Wow, I wasn't expecting this thread to be this long after a weekend. Yay for Soren and I for starting a trend! hehehe. Anyway, Hey Soren, you know what I should have sent you but forgot since it hit me while I was driving home. Maine Salt Water Taffy. That is some great soft candy, I'll make sure to send you a box in the next care package. Also, have you ever heard of Twix? If not, I'll send you that since those things are godly.


Remember guys, if you want me to ship you anything, here are my forms of contact


PM me on TPR

E-mail: SkycoasterFreak@gmail.com

AIM: SkycoasterFreak1

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:shock: Wow.........

I wonder why they dont sell it here!!


What are Smores?? I was watching Thats So Raven today and they were talking about Smores.... They sound interesting...Lol


well, Smores in general is a number one camp fire treat where it's very simple. First you roast a marshmellow on a stick over an open fire, then you take two pieces of graham cracker and a piece of chocolate, put the marshmellow ontop of a piece of graham cracker and the chocolate, then you simply make it into a sandwich with the other cracker. It is gooey and delicious.


If they were talking about the smores candy bar, hershey's makes a candy bar that has those ingredients in bar form, it's pretty good.


FYI: Always make Smores with Hershey brand chocolate. That's the tradition.

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wait a minute, I can remember not too long ago, what was it called... the Wonderball? It was chocolate, and had like sweet tart things inside, and it also had a toy didn't it?


Coming in late on this thread, I know...but what you are thinking of was called Nestle Magic...predecessor to the Wonderball. Nestle Magic were hollow chocolate balls with a plastic ball inside that had a Disney character you could assemble. My mom and I tried desperately to get an entire set of the characters but weren't able to before they yanked them from the shelves not even a month later! I remember sets of Aladdin, Hercules and Lion King, but I know there were more than just those. My mom and I bought them by the case when the store owner told us they weren't gonna be sold anymore, and we still didn't get one whole set between us!

Once they discontinued those, they had the candy and stickers inside...not anywhere near as cool as the Disney characters! Now of course I love Kinder Surprise, and it's probably a good thing they don't sell it in the States, as I'd spend too much money on it!!



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I remember sets of Aladdin, Hercules and Lion King, but I know there were more than just those.


Do you have any pictures of the figures?


Now of course I love Kinder Surprise, and it's probably a good thing they don't sell it in the States, as I'd spend too much money on it!!


No problem, Julie. Send me all your money and I will send you a big, big box of Kinder surpise (Ü-Eier).


--Sören "can I make money, with sending Kinder surprise to america? " Schomburg

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--Sören "can I make money, with sending Kinder surprise to america? " Schomburg


Actually, yes! Canadians, in order to meet the demand for Kinder eggs, oblige by smuggling Kinder eggs into the U.S.A. Apparently, some schools order the eggs in bulk... I knew the school system was doing illegal stuff!

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well, Smores in general is a number one camp fire treat where it's very simple. First you roast a marshmellow on a stick over an open fire, then you take two pieces of graham cracker and a piece of chocolate, put the marshmellow ontop of a piece of graham cracker and the chocolate, then you simply make it into a sandwich with the other cracker. It is gooey and delicious.


If they were talking about the smores candy bar, hershey's makes a candy bar that has those ingredients in bar form, it's pretty good.


FYI: Always make Smores with Hershey brand chocolate. That's the tradition.



Aaaaah.... thatnks for clearing that up!

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