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Photo TR: Diggerland Kent

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Have you ever read those lists that have the 10 craziest theme parks on it? If you have this is a park that is ALWAYS on the list because its truly unique.


For those of you that don't know what Diggerland is, its pretty much exactly what the name implies, its a theme park full of digger themed attractions. Now these attractions aren't for example a digger themed dark ride, or a kiddies car ride with digger themed cars, they are genuine JCB diggers, dumpers, forklifts etc that have been converted into attractions. Now I'm sure your reading this going "What the hell that sounds awesome!", well I can tell you your 100% correct as it is FREAKING AWESOME! Everyone wants to drive diggers and dumper trucks and Diggerland lets you do exactly that in a safe controlled environment.


The star attraction of the park without doubt is Spin Dizzy. Spin Dizzy in its most basic terms is you sitting in the bucket of a larger digger and then the operator spins you around, moves the arm up and down and does all sorts of crazy awesome stuff! If you don't believe me that it could be awesome check out the video below to see for yourself!




"Welcome to Diggerland where you can do crazy things with JCBs!"


First stop was of course the parks main attraction, Spin Dizzy!


You can't really describe how weird this ride is until you see it in person. You can tell someone "Oh its a ride where you sit in the bucket of digger and spin around" but until you see it in person its hard to believe.


Imagine this being your view as an operator.


There is no denying this ride is a whole bucket load of fun ;)


And if the operator wants too they can really surprise you!


Speaking of operators this guy was AWESOME! He had way too much fun chucking us around in that bucket!


After regaining my balance we headed over to the parks "Ground Shuttle" attraction.


The concept of this ride is you sit on the end of a telescopic forklift, it raises, then they drive you over bouncy terrain. This can provide some serious airtime!


And as you are only secured by a seat belt its a LOT of fun!


I just couldn't stop laughing during the whole ride!


Not all the attractions are you being attached to JCBs and doing weird things you can actually control the diggers yourself, but of course with a unique Diggerland twist.


Along this line of diggers there are a variety of things to do.


Such as picking up ducks,


digging for treasure,


and bowling!


Not all the JCBs are static, you can drive them!


Parks do like to brag about how much they spend on attractions in press releases but Diggerland tells you how much every single attraction cost!


These used to be controlled by two joysticks, one for each set of wheels but they have been modified so that are now controlled by just the one joystick.


Good thing the park has plenty of robots to go around.


Ground Shuttle was not the only attraction that uses a telescopic forklift, they also have the "Sky Shuttle" which allows for a great overview of the park.


If you don't like heights this is not an attraction for you.


Look at all those JCBs!


All those tracks you can see are for the driving experiences the park offers.


Speaking of driving experiences you can drive these tractors around a very bumpy course and scare the hell out of your passengers.


Of course there is one think you expect to be able to do at Diggerland and thats dig a giant hole! Don't worry they have got that covered.


With these 4 giant Diggers you can dig to your heart is content.




If the giant digger to much for you don't worry they have smaller versions as well.


You can also drive a dumper truck but I will say these are painfully slow! That being said you do need to remember this is a family park and kids are allowed to drive these.


Kids are mesmerised by attractions like this more than I see at most theme parks. They truly are fascinated by the whole place.


And even big kids love it too ;)


Other than the pay per ride dodgems this is the closest attraction you will get to a ride.


Its basically a chairswing but the spinning is caused by the JCB. Who thinks more parks should have this?


Everyone is a child at heart and Diggerland certainly taps into that.


This guy needs his own TV show don't you think?


The park also offers many uncharge driving experiences such are JCB racing!


and MONSTER digger experiences.


So thats it from Diggerland. It is without doubt a truly unique experience and I highly recommend it.


The park is definitely "Buckets of Fun!"


and I really "dug it"


So thats it from Diggerland, make sure you check out their website (http://www.diggerland.com), Facebook and Twitter.


What do you think of Diggerland? Would you like to visit? Would you ride Spin Dizzy? Comment below and let me know!



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What do you think of Diggerland? Would you like to visit? Would you ride Spin Dizzy? Comment below and let me know!

Yes, yes and yes! What a great report. I've seen pictures from here before and it does look like a lot of fun and I had no idea that you could actually get behind the controls of some of them. I didn't realise Spin Lizzy spun so fast either, so thanks for the video. I never even thought of the fact they could change the angle of the bucket thing either.


Thanks so much for the report!



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"Muddy Good Fun"


Does that mean this place is open during the rainy times, Craig?

That would be a heck of a workout, if it is.


Great report on a truly unique themed park.

Edited by Nrthwnd
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Awesome trip report!


For those in the United States that are interested, there's a Diggerland located within our borders. It's actually just a few miles down the street from me in West Berlin, NJ, not too far from the Cherry Hill area. I haven't been there yet, but I've heard great things.



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Awesome trip report!


For those in the United States that are interested, there's a Diggerland located within our borders. It's actually just a few miles down the street from me in West Berlin, NJ, not too far from the Cherry Hill area. I haven't been there yet, but I've heard great things.




I had no idea we had a park like this in the U.S., although I have seen videos of homemade, "redneck" amusement rides using tractors and other pieces of heavy equipment.

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This is seriously awesome!


It really is. The park is a place you could easily underestimate by looking at it but you can have so much fun there.


although I have seen videos of homemade, "redneck" amusement rides using tractors and other pieces of heavy equipment.


Luckily enough there is nothing "redneck" about the attractions at the park. All the conversions of buckets and machinery is really well engineered.

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I had no idea we had a park like this in the U.S., although I have seen videos of homemade, "redneck" amusement rides using tractors and other pieces of heavy equipment.


Oh come on Chuck, I "broke" this exclusive news on TPR when it was announced

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although I have seen videos of homemade, "redneck" amusement rides using tractors and other pieces of heavy equipment.


Luckily enough there is nothing "redneck" about the attractions at the park. All the conversions of buckets and machinery is really well engineered.


Yes, the "redneck" amusement rides in the states look downright dangerous. I'm pretty sure I'd need a ginger ale to settle my stomach after riding the Spin Dizzy, though.


I had no idea we had a park like this in the U.S., although I have seen videos of homemade, "redneck" amusement rides using tractors and other pieces of heavy equipment.


Oh come on Chuck, I "broke" this exclusive news on TPR when it was announced


Forgot about that--sorry, Larry. I guess I should've done more excavation on the site to find that info.

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