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Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff


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So the Family Guy Game Facebook just posted a guess who picture and it's Roger from American Dad!!! Crossover?!!? Just a tease!?!? New game!?!?!


Judging by the new game icon (American flag with Peter), I'm guessing so!


The two free clams you get for watching american dad clips is probably a telling sign too!

Edited by Jew
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It's strange that I have big square cleared out on my game, but I can't build on it. Anyone else seeing the same thing?


Yep, I noticed this too! I wanted to put the portals I got from the Frankenstein boxes on that square (when I saw it was cleared), but there's no room to build on it! I'm guessing this will eventually be new land to purchase, or maybe even a future district.

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So who is going to buy the Smith House for 100 clams? Doesn't seem like too much money but I'd still like to know a bit more about how much American Dad we're really getting before I decide.


I hadn't even noticed this yet! I'll probably also wait and see, though I'm already tempted since I'm a big American Dad fan, and I'd love to have the Smiths to be neighbors to the Griffins!

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Noticed something helpful on getting the 'Golden Turd'. It says that it takes Roger 4 hours to re-spawn, but you can do it in less time. After Stan and Roger have their slap fight, send Stan to the barn for a 2 hour task. When he is done, Roger is back in the game.


Hope that helps some of you.

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^American Dad is a month long event. I think it's the Bitch Stewie and Bitch Brian that are the weekend event.


The show American Dad has always been hit or miss for me. Some seasons are amazing and better than Family Guy, I assume this is when Seth MacFarlane was paying attention to that show. And then some seasons are dreadful. So far the TBS 'new' episodes have been pretty decent.

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I do not think that the ratings were that bad, more like Fox did not have the room for it anymore. Same with Bob's Burger, last year its ratings was right up there with Family Guy, and this year they seem throw out an episode before the Simpsons every once and a while. With the cancellation of the show after Family Guy, we might see these shows return.

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