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What's your favorite Theme Park Souvenir?

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I like collecting T-shirts and trading pins (even though I hardly ever trade them )


you are NOT alone, Sir!


that's why I'm glad I managed to not get "hooked" on the Disney Pins.


I'm TERRIBLE at wanting to trade.


seriously, I'm like a Pixar SeaGull: MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE



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Depends on what you consider a souvenir, I guess... I own a lot of weird stuff thanks to my past. A lot of this I didn't pay for, but got as more or less 'gifts'. Here are some of my favorites:


- Part tags for track and support assembly on a ride.

- Protective shipping bolts for parts on a different ride.

- Used brake pad from a different ride.

- Piece of track from Son of Beast (one of the plaques they sold)

- Alien Encounter (WDW) seats and harnesses (six of each)

- TONS of books (250+) on parks, mostly Disney ones

- Park music, again mostly Disney but I have a couple unique discs that were never sold from their respective parks


Finally, my favorite thing is I collect things for the Indiana Jones Adventure at Disneyland like crazy. I'm actually oddly particular about exactly what I'll get, but I own a lot of really unique stuff from that ride. Amongst them:


- Large ride poster, *supposedly* the one that they used to unveil the ride with (in this picture - http://albums.mouseplanet.com/DLIndyJonesProcessed/IndyPoster.jpg - I'm not quite so sure I believe that, but size matches and I've never seen another quite like it - it's definitely NOT one of the limited edition posters they sold, and I was told it was from that ceremony only after I purchased it, which I think gives it a bit more weight, but hey, I just think it's cool even if it's not )

- Original Press Kit for the ride

- Ride logo watch (limited to 250)

- Unused Indiana Jones Adventure commemorative tickets - I own two of these, one that is framed with an official Indiana Jones matte and stamp on it - again, never seen another - and the other is number 000013, the 13th issued, which just so happens to also be my favorite number.


Of course, almost none of this was actually purchased in the parks as souvenirs, but they are definitely my favorite stuff

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Not something you buy in a gift shop, but I love my foot pedal from Ravine Flyer II. Unfortunately I acquired it because it came loose during operation and got nicked up pretty badly as it got whipped around through the course. But hey, it's a piece of the coaster that started it all for me. When I say started it all, I mean back in the late 1990s when they started talking about building it.


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I like collecting T-shirts and trading pins (even though I hardly ever trade them )

I'm TERRIBLE at wanting to trade.


I normally buy a large set of like 50 random pins on eBay before my trips and then separate them into a "keep" pile and a "trade pile"

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My Cedar Point Fast Lane Wristband is probably one of my best souvenirs because a) I had been dreaming of going to CP for so long that my Fast-Lane counts as a souvenir and b) I never buy souvenirs at Theme Parks, so yeah a paper wristband that allowed me to skip the lines, (and it even had the MAVERICK LOGO on it !!!) is a great souvenir for me !


I also have a little personnal collection of TP crap like park maps and stuff like this, I'd say half from parks I've visited and half from TPR's bags-o-crap, and I really like to dig trough all these park maps, open up one and look at it and remember all the great memories.

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I got a ring on a bottle at the ring toss under Goliath at SFOG! There weren't any giant-ass pandas, so I had to settle for this.



Ha!. . we used to bring those home all the time.


you quickly realize how much bigger they are in a room, than opposed to hanging on a booth.


LOL. . luckily (?), we have/had a Doberman. . so they never lasted very long, and the backyard was full of "popcorn" graves. . . LOL

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Mine would have to be On-Ride photos. I had a keychain of Me and my mom riding the Georgia Cyclone (back when it had an on ride camera - still don't know why they removed it). I also have a big on-ride photo of me and a bunch of my old SFOG coworkers riding Goliath. It was my last week working there so that pic brings back a lot of good memories.

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Mine would have to be On-Ride photos. I had a keychain of Me and my mom riding the Georgia Cyclone (back when it had an on ride camera - still don't know why they removed it). I also have a big on-ride photo of me and a bunch of my old SFOG coworkers riding Goliath. It was my last week working there so that pic brings back a lot of good memories.


I need to upload our older On-Ride photos. . . they're all on the fridge


hehe. . might be time to change my avatar to us on the Bamboo Shoot (no, I don't care that the picture says it was called "Ozarka Splash". .it was the Bamboo Shoot dammit!

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I love my on-ride photos as they are, in my hands to pull out and remember....

They are all posted online, in the various tour TRs I've posted in the site.


Some are way more funnier than others. For instance....


The 2009 TPR Scandi Tour - Now can YOU figure out whether this coaster at LegoLand was enjoyable - or not? (o;

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^ Well, lots of other souvenirs could be considered expensive too, depending what

you're looking for. Depends on the park, the country, the economics, blah blah blah.


With on-ride photos, there are some parks who do "Two for a Cheaper Deal", that you can

share with friends along with you. That means you pay less, per photo. Easy. If you're on

your own though, I agree it can get pricy. But that's part of theme park spending, yes?


You'll just have to get used to prices for stuff in parks, you wouldn't be caught paying

outside of the park, lol.

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I usually buy a t-shirt from every new park I visit. I wish I could stop because I am running out of run in my dresser but can't.


Luckily, I tend to only do that at Disney. . tho I always go overboard.


I think our last trip to DisneyLand resulted in a good 15 shirts (bought within the parks), and another 6-7 bought from the stores between the Hotel and the parks!


-- hey, they are at least $20 cheaper, and you can wear them 3 or 4 times before they fall apart


but oddly, no shirts from Knott's, or Universal (and I don't think I've ever bought one from SixFlags either, despite the years of going to Fiesta, Astroworld, and SFoT).

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I'm not really a souvenir person but I caved for the Nagashima Spa Land "Engrish" cup. I love that thing!


LOL. . I prolly would have bought that too!



Not politically correct, but hysterical!

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Believe it or not, I leave it very loose when it comes to souvenirs from different tours.

Each tour has ended up with wildly different numbers and types of souvenirs, I've picked up.

More fridge magnets than mugs, more mugs than t-shirts, more t-shirts than...anything else!

And a lot of China cra...uh, stuff I have no use for now. And this also means, I "might"

get only one t-shirt and nothing else. Could happen.


But to answer The Question - ALL of my souvenirs, are "My Favorite Souvenir".

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I'm impressed that no one has mentioned the Oblivion condoms yet. "Don't look down."


Man, what you can do with rides in Europe is AMAZING


wait. . . . . . what?


Oblivion condoms?



and these were official from the park?

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wait. . . . . . what?


Oblivion condoms?



and these were official from the park?


Although from what I understand, they disappeared and then came back in a different way, not just could you get Oblivion condoms in the park when the ride debuted, you could get them outside the park too. From an article at http://www.marketingweek.co.uk,


"Orange-flavoured condoms, featuring the orange and black colours of the drop ride, will go on sale in Boots and Superdrug from April."


I know that Air had the same sort of thing when it came out, and more recently Stealth at Thorpe Park also sold condoms, "Hard, Fast & Up In Seconds." Merlin has a great sense of humor.

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