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What's your favorite Theme Park Souvenir?

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I'm a sucker for any sort of ride figures, ride vehicles, ride models, snow globes, etc.


I have spent way too much time on ebay trying to get all the disney die cast vehicles.


Nothing will be better than Shariki though!


This was my desk…and that's not even close to everything!

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I love souvenirs, its always nice to bring something home with you from an amusement park. My favorite souvenir is probably just a t-shirt.


it's so funny, since as I mentioned I rarely (as in never) buy T-shirts at parks.


unless it's a Disney park. .and then I go nuts!



really. . . I have a California Screamin shirt (this one)



I've worn it . . .um. . twice in 6 years?


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I'm a sucker for any sort of ride figures, ride vehicles, ride models, snow globes, etc.


I have spent way too much time on ebay trying to get all the disney die cast vehicles.


Nothing will be better than Shariki though!



I want that Tamborine!

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  • 2 weeks later...

just so y'all know. . . my Birthday is coming up next month, and I told my Partner, I REALLY want some "stealth" condoms from Thorpe Park.






(hehe..I know, it's weird, but it's our thing. . . one oddball gift that's "fandom" related. I started the "tradition" a few years ago when I hunted down some Star Wars boxers for him. They have Darth Vader on the butt and say, "Welcome to the Dark Side").




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