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They need to have the rides and buildings age overtime, like wooden rollercoasters becoming rough and steel ones rusting and you need to fund maitnance like in sim city 4 if you don't fund enough the rides don't get maintained and begin to decay.

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They need to have the rides and buildings age overtime, like wooden rollercoasters becoming rough and steel ones rusting and you need to fund maitnance like in sim city 4 if you don't fund enough the rides don't get maintained and begin to decay.


That was the plan originally as far back as RCT1 but CS decided not to go with it in the end.As for RCT4 coming out FORGET IT Atari had said long ago that RCT3 & it's two EP's were to be the LAST games of that franchise.

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They need to have the rides and buildings age overtime, like wooden rollercoasters becoming rough and steel ones rusting and you need to fund maitnance like in sim city 4 if you don't fund enough the rides don't get maintained and begin to decay.


That was the plan originally as far back as RCT1 but CS decided not to go with it in the end.As for RCT4 coming out FORGET IT Atari had said long ago that RCT3 & it's two EP's were to be the LAST games of that franchise.


Doesn't hurt to imagine

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I heard that Chris Sawyer and the creator of nolimits are both working on making RCT4 having the coaster creator interface of nolimits (and the quality) and the concept of the whole concept of the RCT series and also some of the interface of RCT3.

Oh, and it wouldn't be nearly as easy if he when back to the rct 1/2 since he wrote rtc 1/2 using assembly.

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I heard that Chris Sawyer and the creator of nolimits are both working on making RCT4 having the coaster creator interface of nolimits (and the quality) and the concept of the whole concept of the RCT series and also some of the interface of RCT3.

Oh, and it wouldn't be nearly as easy if he when back to the rct 1/2 since he wrote rtc 1/2 using assembly.


I've heard that, but I've also heard the opposite from other places. There is so much talk about a future RCT4/Thrillville, and was wondering if anyone actually had something more concrete then "I heard", or "I read"...

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Um Excuse me? mcjaco, Your being a bit rude i'm only 9.


Don't take it to personally, there have just been a LOT of really bad english/grammar around here lately and some really bad posts. Just slow down your typing and type the way a civilized person would speak. Oh and by the way CAPATALIZATION and spelling is a big thing around here so watch out with the "i'm" kind of thing.



Have to agree with your first post though, RCT3 is so much better than RCT1 or 2. But since my computer can't handle number 3 and has no hope of ever handling a number 4 I'll just keep playing the good old RCT2.


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The main thing I want is that every coaster type should be able to get downhill and uphill brakes. Extended coasters should have vertical lifts and you should be able to bank a turn as much or as little as you want. Just enter in a number from 0-90 or -90 - 0 (Incorrectly banked turns) and the game would bank the turn that many degrees.

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^^Dude, you are a genius. It's easy to do, so all of those people who don't really know how to do No Limits (haha, me) can play.


I want the graphics of rct2. They should have the same elements on every type of coaster track. They should have every track type like the Manufacturers. It needs more scenery, and every flat ride type, like a Giant Huss Frisbee and all that.


^^Also, like you said, a degree input thingy for the turn banking, and the degree of drop and incline.


I also want the coaster cam, it would look cool in rct2.

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