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About Iluvcoasters

  • Birthday 09/14/1999

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  1. Um Excuse me? mcjaco, Your being a bit rude i'm only 9.
  2. I reallllllllllly want rct4 to come out! rct3 is the best at the moment out of all of them.... RCT4 GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! rc2 and 1 is rubbish sorry atari but rct3 is the best yet
  3. Hi I'm Ryan also known as Ryry! I am SUCH a coaster fan and i am addicted to any random coaster stuff! My local park is basiclly Thorpe Park & Chessington World of Adventures. Havent been to Thorpe since i was about 3. I am 10 now, ( time to get on the big ones! ) Dying to get on colossus at Thorpe! And Stealth! Oh yeah i forgot Nemesis Inferno! And SAW!... These are the rides i have been on: Vampire ride Dragons Fury Big Thunder Mountain Jungle Coaster Vikings River Splash The Dragon Rumba Rapids Dragon Falls Thx guys plz get in touch. A message to coasters: I luv you all Bye
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