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The NL/NL2 Preview Thread

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  ZeroGravity55 said:
I've had this on file for a while now. Decided to upload it. It's my first attempt at off-ride shots. I have to admit it was bit tougher than I thought. Hopefully I'll get better at it! Btw, I know the name is totally original



The off-ride shots looked great, just try and get your cursor out of the video.


I can relate to not being able to come up with names. I named one of my coasters "Soup" once because I couldn't come up with anything.

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  GCI Wooden said:
  ZeroGravity55 said:
I've had this on file for a while now. Decided to upload it. It's my first attempt at off-ride shots. I have to admit it was bit tougher than I thought. Hopefully I'll get better at it! Btw, I know the name is totally original


The off-ride shots looked great, just try and get your cursor out of the video.


I can relate to not being able to come up with names. I named one of my coasters "Soup" once because I couldn't come up with anything.


There were a few shots my cursor was in and I didn't catch it until I was editing the video. Recording video is a bit of pain and takes forever on my laptop, so I decided to leave it as is. At least I didn't leave it in almost the whole video like I did on my Boss RMC video I was and still am a bit of a newb when it comes to this stuff


As for the name, the literal filename I have for this coaster is called Barney. I almost uploaded it and put the Barney theme as the audio for it.

Edited by ZeroGravity55
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Currently working on a park with a nice GCI woodie, Rocket Coaster (Heavily Inspired by Cheetah Hunt) and a Nice B&M Dive Coaster. Supporting is finished for Warpig (GCI woodie) and Stallion (Intamin Rocket Coaster) and currently supporting Mustang (Dive Coaster)


If some supports look like they where edited prefabs......................Its because they are, I am terrible at custom supports.


Ignore the Mack Launched coaster in the back, That was scrapped.



Edited by A.J.
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After a month and a half of hard work, here's Gunslinger - a 120 foot RMC wooden coaster featuring a variety of inversions, hills, and twists which provide ample airtime and positive G forces.

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Decided that I may get back into NoLimits during the off-season. I started working on what would probably be a physically and financially prohibitive 700ft. tall, 150mph Intamin Accelerator coaster.





It took a few hours just to get the level of detail I wanted for the supports for the top part of the tower... so this is going to take a while to finish supporting and theme. Especially since I don't have a lot of free time.

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  TB305 said:


After a month and a half of hard work, here's Gunslinger - a 120 foot RMC wooden coaster featuring a variety of inversions, hills, and twists which provide ample airtime and positive G forces.


Not going to lie, probably one of the best RMC no limits coasters I've seen! Great job!

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