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Efteling Discussion Thread

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  lewis97 said:
May be wrong, but I think that support in the second image might be at the base of the middle lift support, inside the concrete pillar.


Possible and not Possible. That was the comment I erased after not doing my homework upfront.

Look at these pictures of the footers of the Lift:


The footers have the bolts in a square and not in a circle like the pole, I have no idea what purpose it will have maybe it will be placed there (adding a piece to make the bottom into a square) or maybe it is the Chimney or a axel for the wheel up top. Right now I have no idea what it is suppose to do.

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I went on this park last year.


I appreciate the attractions but not the atmosphere. I find that the park have no souls, there are no animations, but the attractions are great !


Can't wait for Baron 1898


Interesting view on Efteling. No souls? that quite strange, there is indeed les street entertainment but I don't miss it. But everyone has different preferences, I don't care about animation en street entertainment.


There are new picures showing some of the details in decoration.


The station with some stucco.



Some nice eaves



4 decoration elements that will be placed at each corner of the roof of the station.


Pictures: Eftelwesley

Source: http://vijfzintuigen.nl/forum/136/24466.102

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  RCT3Bross said:
  lewis97 said:
May be wrong, but I think that support in the second image might be at the base of the middle lift support, inside the concrete pillar.


Possible and not Possible. That was the comment I erased after not doing my homework upfront.

Look at these pictures of the footers of the Lift:


The footers have the bolts in a square and not in a circle like the pole, I have no idea what purpose it will have maybe it will be placed there (adding a piece to make the bottom into a square) or maybe it is the Chimney or a axel for the wheel up top. Right now I have no idea what it is suppose to do.


I think that weird support may actually be for the smokestack/chimney coming out of the station.

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I appreciate the attractions but not the atmosphere. I find that the park have no souls, there are no animations


I somewhat understand why you're saying that, but on the other hand I find it really nice of the Efteling not to have that many street artists running around. It gives a more quiet and peaceful feel to the entire park, which is in my opinion a core element of the Efteling; strolling through a beatiful forest-like environment and enjoying all the rides the park has to offer.

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  gerstlaueringvar said:
These two supports are already one of the most beautiful coaster supports!


Have they released a full layout yet?


No they still not announced the full layout. Today the park presented the new map for spring season. The building has appeared on the map but no further track layout.



And we have a better picture of the first supports, and again snow.



source: Twitter Roland Godschalk

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It looks beautiful, Kinda want to go to the park this weekend to go check it out instead of going next week. But lets see what this week brings and go with that.

They're actually quite high up already I mean If I'm correct they're halfway there with the support.

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And so they have almost reached the highest point (only thing making it bigger now is the track that will be on top of it and the wheels next to the towers). Went a lot quicker then I thought didn't think they would be this far until noon tomorrow but hey no complains that means everything is going well. Well let's hope next week on some fresh B&M steel on the site so I have something to watch when I'm there the 14th, can't wait to see it myself now.


Talking about track someone said they have spotted it on the highway, but yeah it's the same old story of: "I didn't had a camera so no photo".

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