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Most. OverRated. Ride. of 2012.

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^^Let's see, RMC only has ONE coaster open now, so you must REALLY hate NTAG.


For 2013, mine is Full Throttle. Yes, I am in the 'Anything is better than Full Throttle' crowd, but my reasoning is that this is not what the park needed. The park could use either a family-friendly coaster, or a non-gimmicky thrill ride, and Full Throttle does not satisfy either category. It just had so much potential to be SFMM's return to building star attractions, but it is not.

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I like RMC, but I think that their coasters are ruining the whole wooden coaster feel. My opinion is that a wooden coaster should have some bumps. The track that they use pretty much rules bumps out. I hope that real wooden coasters will survive.


Texas Giant sucked. Thanks to RMC, it's surviving and is supposedly one of the best coasters alive.

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I've been on El Toro, Bizarro, and New Texas Giant, so I've definitely experienced some kick A$$ ejector airtime. But to me, good sustained floater airtime like on Nitro is rapturous. Even though they are both airtime, the two experiences are totally different to me, and I can't really say for sure that I like one more than the other.

There is actually quite a difference between Nitro and the newer B&M hypers. I'd argue and say that Nitro has the BEST of the "B&M Airtime", and some of the newer B&M hypers, like Diamondback and Intimidator are very weak in comparison. Remember, Nitro opened in 2001, and B&M was still being a bit aggressive then. Not quite as much as the Intamin hypers of the same time frame, but by far more than their offerings in the past 5 or 6 years.


I want to say that the trend of weaker B&M hypers started the following year, in 2002, with Silver Star.


Ever tried the back seat? I've ridden over 150 coasters in my life, and the experience in the back car of Diamondback rocks. You are literally thrown up against your restraint.

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I guess I will have to say everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this one. My main problem with the B&M hypers is that, excluding Raging Bull, every single one feels like the same exact thing. Sure, there are some minor differences between them, and some have more airtime than others, but I think it is no coincidence that they are all grouped together on Mitch's poll. I would probably like B&M hypers better if they changed up the layouts a bit more. I prefer Intamins not just for the stronger airtime, but for the fact that each one, excluding clones, offers a different layout from the last.

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