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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

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ACE Spring fling


I'll be there, I've got two (maybe 3) friends coming down from the Mid Atlantic to tag along and maybe even my girlfriend with me. Man that will be a hell of a week!


Unfortunately I don't really care for the huge events and they are hoping for 300 so it may be a bit too busy... but that won't keep me from having a blast!

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Why is 6FoG not open year round? Does it realy get that cold during the winter. I was just north of there in TN and I didn't find it to be that cold during the days. Mid 50s low 60s. Atlanta is like 6 hours south. That should add about 5 or more degrees to the days.


Happy Birthday Robb.


Guy "I just think it could be a good year round park especially after Goliath opens." Koepp

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It was 75 degrees today. Last Friday it was in the 40s. By Saturday it will be much the same.


As I was trying to point out, the weather is quite volitile in that it really ranges a lot. Wintertime here means a lot of rain too, and the possiblity of freezing rain and such.


I like having the park closed a couple of months to get the park back in shape, meaning refurbs and such.

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That makes sense. I'm hoping that the Snyder Project forces some parks that are open year round to do rotating re-habs. On the same scale of Disney.


Does 6FoG usualy look nice when I opens for the season. I'll bet it's gonna look great with that towering monster looming over the entryway.


Guy "That's a great way to get your blood pumping before you enter tha park." Koepp

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Goliath will need to be a big hit to keep the punters coming back for the next few years if new rides are gonna be in short supply, but that shouldn't be too difficult for a ride of its nature.


This latest batch of coasters at the various Six Flags may be the last for quite some time. But with all the Six Flags parks going in for the beauty treatment where required, and with the rides they've already got they should be on the road to getting the company out of the red.

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Here are my pics from today. I know I said i would post pics on wenesday, but yesterday was just a nasty day here in Georgia. Sorry.


Thanks to Parktrips you can find the rest of my pics on his site http://sfog.parktrips.com/update.cfm?id=18


Edit: does anyone in atlanta know whats the deal with the aid trucks. In the old Sams parking lot. pictured below.


Goliath from wendys 1/12/06

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This things looks better and better with each update. As the La Ronde's, I think the drop looks pretty awesome, but it looks to me like Walter and Claude lost their imagination when they designed that ride. If you look at the layout, it doesn't really do much besides bunny hops. I don't doubt that it'll be a fun ride. It's just fairly simplistic.

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Nice pics coastercrazy. Ive heard from some cnst workers that the helix should be completed in the time range of 1-1/2 to 2 weeks and I heard that on tuesday. So im guessing the whole helix will be done by the end of this week, early next week.


ill be out there tuesday/wenesday. For some pics if i get word of any additions.

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