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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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She: final words.


she laughed

......she sighed

...........did cyanide,

this life

..........too much for her,

She gasped

......she hissed

..........the dismal kiss,

In death

.....things do not blur....


2005/ MD Scooter. Paraphrased from A Bottle and a Bow. MD/1989-2005 collective nightmares prod.

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So I got to my friends college in Boston and I got three words to say about driving in Boston....




I ended up driving into the opposite direction of a one way street on Massachusetts Avenue, a car honked at me and then I noticed I didn't see any double yellow lines so I flipped out and pulled instantly off the road into a gas station where I got directions. From there I made it and I'm safe. Next time I drive down, I know where to go!


My friend owes me a visit up to Bangor.

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^ Is it required to drive on the motorway for learning?


Because it isn't required to learn how to learn to drive on the highway in Maine since well, they only got a few, and Maine drivers don't know how to accelerate on an on-ramp. 30mph isn't fast enough!


Nah ots not you just have to have a supervisor in the car with you when driving which means somebody who has had there full licence for 2 years

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Lou- actually the PCD album has some hot tracks! I didn't expect to like it, but I gave it a chance anyway. It has about six good songs, IMO. That's a high number for all the trash put out today. And for you dance freaks, like me, check out:


Don't Cha (Ralphi's Hot Freak 12" Vox Mix)



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^ Hmmm... I listened to the 30 second sampe of each track on iTunes when it came out and was NOT impressed. If I remember correctly there were covers of Hot Stuff and Feeling Good? Grr. Anyway, I don't think they portray themselves in a very positive way either... Bring back the Spice Girls! I kinda liked the 411 though, they were billed as the British Destiny's Child which was perhaps a slight exaggeration, but they were pretty good!


Randomness for the day: One hours sleep + three hours staring at a computer screen trying to understand assignments = Poorly feeling Lou wanting to curl up and die.


In fact, that's a rant! Oops. I'm going to start horse-riding again and buy a horse next year.

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