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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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I've driven and/or ridden in Diana's car all over town today, but have yet to even get into mine! But indeed that will change tomorrow morning when I fire up mine to go to work. It's a new day, you see, and the start of a beautiful week.



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if monkeys and beavers mated, what would the offspring look like? would they throw their own feces? would they use their gopher tails to swat the feces like a cricket bat?


and what impact would that have on the disney dining plan?




that female gymnast looks like a dude.

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Yes, It is that big.


Oh my


Gah a couple months ago, I had my mp3 player in my jacket pocket, and I put that jacket in the washer, then they dryer. The next day, I wore the jacket, and felt something in my pocket. My mp3 player! I was HEARTBROKEN!!! My music is my life. Now I miss it more than ever But I'm getting a touch screen one (hopefully)


One time I accidently left a pack of gum in my pants, washed them, and got sticky white stuff all over my clothes.


I'm the most unlucky person in this world.

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