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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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I just had to google what the tide pod challenge is. Bloody hell what an insanely stupid thing to do! Just stop telling people not to eat it, let natural selection do it's thing and maybe we'll end up with a slightly less horrible world...

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^ Yeah, we just heard and saw a report on that last night, on the news.


What a totally stupid way to possibly kill yourself! These idiot kids might as well go cheaper,

and do the old glue in a baggie sniffing thing.


Disgusting, stupid children, no matter what their age.

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^ & ^^ It started off as a joke at first, and at first I actually thought it ws kinda funny. People were all "haha look it's colorful so it's candy! look at me go nom nom nom," it was all good clean fun. No one would be that stupid to actually do it, right?




It actually makes me mad that kids these days are that obsessed with the internet that they'll try doing something lethal just for fame... and it's kind of working. This world is ugly, dude.

Edited by Dombot
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  viking86 said:
I just had to google what the tide pod challenge is. Bloody hell what an insanely stupid thing to do! Just stop telling people not to eat it, let natural selection do it's thing and maybe we'll end up with a slightly less horrible world...

It started as a meme people would post ironically but of course it evolved into a challenge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just heard on the radio....


Random AMAZON packages being sent to Universities across Canada. With no return address.


Packages have included books, clothing.....and sex toys. Officials are baffled as to origin of everything.




How's that for "random"?

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