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Hey Robb... I just saw your message on Facebook...you know because it's 2011 so I have a Facebook account just like anyone else who isn't living in the stone age.


Anyway... because of this I emailed Dan again... 3 times.

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^I would suggest slowing down. AOL temporarily shut down his account a few years ago when Joe created an automated e-mail Dan form that sent too many e-mails, so he'll never get to read everyone's attempt to get him on facebook!


But for those who haven't sent 1,000 e-mails to Dan...I suggest sending him an e-mail tonight. He's probably getting close to breaking!

Edited by Jew
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^^ Don't worry, I'm no amateur at formulating scripts, it's one of my many job duties. I normally write things in a way that won't shut down an account, unless I want it to That being said, I'm pretty much done with it as I think he's probably had enough of me.

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