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Situated in the heartland of this Nations' founding resides a park that has it's own legacy as being the premier destination for decades, due to it's popular adjacent lake property and many amenities that are snuggled into a snug 120 acres. And to this day, Fellville strives to cater to all ages, no matter what. But Fellville has embarked on what many considered a suicidal investment--to be the first park in the world to flip rides twice on a short, but highly intense roller coaster. Many skeptics in the past may now have the proof that it is possible to "safely" flip riders. The remarkable breakthrough was provided by a company that builds dreams, quite literally. After the success of their first Tubular Steel coaster, Mattherhorn Mountain, Arrow Dynamics, located in Mountain View, California now hold another title to being the first company to find the needs of technology to flip riders not just once, but twice!


And to prove just how popular the new attraction is, just ask the thousands in line waiting on average 3 hours to get their chance to feel the pure adrenaline that Cork Screw provides. “It’s scary!” said one man after just getting off. “I may have waited half my day to ride this thing, but to say the least, it was worth it,” he continued to add.


It may be one’s ultimate fear, or joy, but all we know today is that Fellville may have made its self bigger on the map, but only time will tell on that prophecy.


Here is a quick area of the Corkscrew elements on the ride:


Also opened with this addition was a little corner bakery. You better grab a bite before you hit the long lines out there!





We warmly welcome all those to take a ride on Corkscrew, Only at America's Old time park!

Edited by djbrcace1234
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It looks real nice! My only complaint is that you use the balcony side railing almost every where.


There's nothing wrong with consistency, y'know.

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Very interesting- I love the Arrow Corkscrew- it fits very nicely into the park's general identity- and makes a great choice for the era.


More pics of the park would be great when you get the chance- I'm very curious as to how you're doing/did the other rides in the park.



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Yay, I've been waiting for this one!


Nice screens, you're definitely improving your foliage! A few suggestions, though:


1: Please add some footers beneath the corkscrew supports. Me and cf did it in Inferno with Deco pieces, and I think you'll be able to, too.


2: Your paths are very bland, try changing path types or adding some gardens, fountains to spruce it up.


3: Please add some small shrubs beneath Intimidator, it's really bland and ugly without anything there!


Hope to see more of this park in the near future!

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  • 11 months later...

It is just trial and error with 8 cars zero clearance option found under the misc. tab.


Good news! It appears that the old vintage car ride has been tidy up from it's previous years of neglect, and expected to open up this coming friday. Fellville graciously allowed us to distribute this picture of the ride preforming finalized testing. Enjoy!


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Exceptional work there djbrace! One can wonder what this park will behold, as it looks like an accolade/spotlight contender. I like your idea of using single-rail track instead of the ugly default car ride track. Needs more trashcans for a Cedar Fair park, unless this isn't one and is an exceptional park anyway. The atmosphere of the park is great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As we continue to take a stroll down memory lane, here we not only see an orginal attraction from the park, but we also get a glimpse of the future--Nova, a new design from Intamin AG based out of Switzerland, takes it's riders on a fast pace journey with extreme momments of "airtime." Its name suggest not only the beauty that a Supernova provides from the outside, but also the sheer power one may expierence if closer.



Fellville--America's old time park!™

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fellville's 2012 season will be a historic one as the Southern-based theme park introduces the new $20 million Thunder Head steel wing coaster, the first of its kind in the U.S.


Experiencing the freedom of flight, the new coaster's innovative floorless design positions riders seated four abreast in a forward-facing position, with two riders actually seated on the "wings" along either side of the coaster's track with nothing but air above and below them.


Riders face a storm--quite literally with Bollinger and Mabillard's signature "roar" as riders embark on a 3 minute journey for their life. With 3 packed inversions, and a vertical first drop, prepare, to ride the storm!




Only at Fellville--America's Old Time Park!™

Edited by djbrcace1234
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