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The "Rant" Thread


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^^ Haha make that 3 of us that it bothers! I work in a busy grocery store with 28,000 customers a week and you would be amazed by how many people I see each day come in wearing pajamas!! Its so not ok to go out like that, its totally unaccepatable! I see guys and girls of all ages wearing them at any given hour of the day. I still am waiting for someone to come in wearing a snuggie!

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^ On a similar note, I'm known to not just blurt out something unless I know is true. But if I'm not 100% sure, I will say something like, "I don't know if this is true..." or "This may not be the case, but..." It really bugs me when someone comes back with, "How do you know?" Why not just call me a liar and save some time?



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^Ugh, that's one of my pet peeves as well!


I can't tell you how many times I've seen teenage girls do this in airports and on airplanes. Sure you want to be comfortable and stuff, but wearing pajamas, bringing a full size pillow and a stuffed animal!?!? My 2 year old doesn't even do that!!!


I'm waiting to see someone go all out and wear a nightgown on an airplane.

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This is more of a pet peve, but people that put quotation marks around everything they mention in their sentence.


EVERYTHING. Come on, you've all seen it but you've never thought about ranting about it. For those who don't have an idea...

This is more of a "pet peve" but "people" that put "quotation marks" around "everything" they mention in their "sentence".


EVERYTHING. Come on, you've all seen it but you've never thought about "ranting" about it. For "those" who don't have an "idea"...


You guys get mah point?

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Extremely mad!! Someone, somehow got my all my info and pin from my check card, mind you I still have it in my hand.. Cancelled now. I am in Dallas, but they took almost 500 bucks from my checking account at some bank near San Francisco.I am usually very cautious( apparently..not enough) of when and where I use my card. If I buy from an online site I only do it with reputable stores.I can see them maybe using it at a store or online, but this means they had to make a card, put in a pin and take out money. I am very thankful that I have alerts set up on my account to let me know right away when something comes out of my account. At least I didn't go a few days not knowing which would give them more time to do damage.

Edited by cedarpointfangirl
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Extremely mad!! Someone, somehow got my all my info and pin from my check card, mind you I still have it in my hand.. Cancelled now. I am in Dallas, but they took almost 500 bucks from my checking account at some bank near San Francisco.I am usually very cautious( apparently..not enough) of when and where I use my card. If I buy from an online site I only do it with reputable stores.I can see them maybe using it at a store or online, but this means they had to make a card, put in a pin and take out money. I am very thankful that I have alerts set up on my account to let me know right away when something comes out of my account. At least I didn't go a few days no knowing which would give them more time to do damage.


Something like that happened to my dad just a few days ago! People are getting craftier these days. Curious thing is, he hadn't used his card but once on a restaurant bill and he had to cancel it the next day. The charges were also in the neighborhood of $500. What up, banking system?


On to my rant...

I have an ex-friend who keeps taking music he finds from YouTube and obscure MySpace music pages and putting them on his MySpace profile, saying that he made them, or "remixed" them. Worst part is, he messes with them ever-so-slightly, and they always sound terrible. But he's super proud of them, despite the fact that they're totally not his. I've called him out on it before, and he keeps doing it. Please stop, ex-friend! They sound horrible, and it's illegal! Goodness.

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Had a tooth removed, earlier today.


Feel like crap. Strong meds and antibiotics still make me feel like crap.


It'll all work out, eventually, but for now...



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Note about credit or debit cards: Whenever you are at an ATM or point of sale, make sure that the device where you swipe your card doesn't have anything that looks "added on" to the slot through which the card will be slid. Those are little readers that collect card info and can be detached. The crook then takes that device and retrieves card info and is able to actually create a new card. I've seen this on various newscasts.


Also, if a clerk swipes your card, be sure that clerk doesn't double swipe it. That's how I had a gasoline card's info stolen and $1000 added to the account very quickly. (Imagine going to get gas and being told that your card's credit limit has been maxed out when you pay it off every month. The oil company put our card on hold to investigate, and finally released us from paying the balance once they determined that the charges were fraudulent, but we had to get all new cards, etc.) During the time our card was on hold, we had to use our backup card and loaded that card close to its max.


Bottom line: you just have to be careful, or use old-fashioned cash.



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So two of my best friends in the world are mad at me for no reason.


Apparently I lied about something to find out about an inside joke of theirs. But I honestly don't remember what I could have possibly lied about. And now they don't trust anything I tell them, and think that I'm lying about everything to try to get my way because I'm a wimp.


These are my best friends that I've been very close to all year, and they're just turning on me for no real reason. I'm seriously on the verge of tears, I don't want this to be happening.


EDIT: Aaaaaaand it all turned out to be a huge misunderstanding. One of them exaggerated about something, and one thing led to another, and tons of assumptions were made. It's all fine now.

Edited by onewheeled999
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- - - RAWR at Verizon wireless for saying we "went over our minutes" OMG! We have been with them for almost 5 years... Well acutally we were with Alltel , but then Verizon bought Alltel, and as soon as Verizon bought them we started having nothing but problems. We had NEVER gone over our minutes before, and now... every month we have gone over our minutes. And NO... we didn't change the amount of minutes we have, and neither did Verizon. Ohhhh but get this... according to Verizon we are already over our minutes for this month. . . Its the 6th of the month and we have already used 1,500 minutes... HOW?! We NEVER talk on the phone. So we had them do this print off of all the numbers we had called... there were like 6 different 1-800 numbers we had called, but we honestly never had called them. We showed them our call history in our phones, and they were like "Well you must have deleted the history." Should have known they would have said that. We are LIVID... If you guys only understood that we NEVER talk on the phone. I HATE talking on the phone. I send on average 20,000-30,000 text messages a month... When do I have time to talk on the phone all day?! UGH! LIVIDNESS.


So let's recap. Verizon bought Alltel, and now we are over our minutes every month, but the amount of minutes we have never changed. . . Just a random question but has anyone else ever had a problem like this with Verizon?


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Finally a place to vent!


People on their cell phones...can't stand them, want to run them off the road! (Before they do it to me!) Especially when i'm on the motorcycle...at least in a car I have some protection around me...


Yesterday I saw a guy on his cell at a gas station, drive away with the pump still in the car! I was ready to bolt for ze hills.



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^ LMAO!! I would bolt too!! I wonder if he paid for the gas..probably forgot that too. ROFL! I have to agree. I have had many instances where people on their phones have caused extreme hazard. I ran up on some one a few months ago in a 70mph zone doing about 45, I almost creamed them, then I go to pass and they swerve into my lane. They are absolutely clueless. I hate when they are in the store on it also, its not dangerous but they stand there in the aisle looking completely dumfounded.

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People who fill their drinks at self-service soda fountains and then just...stand there. Y'think anyone else might like to fill their cups. Even more fun is when they say, "Did you want to get in here?" Nope, I just wanted to stand there holding an empty cup...


Or the ones who have to fill the cups of everyone in their party. How is one person going to carry five drinks without one of those drink carrier thingies---which they never seem to have? I've seen people make two trips, and they leave some of the filled drinks (often with no lids on them yet) sitting there so they can come back. Why don't a couple of people in their party do the drink filling or let each one fend for himself?


I've actually had a couple of experiences where someone does BOTH of what I mentioned here.



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