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The "Picture Of Me" Thread


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I do enjoy MegaTokto, though. It's been one of my favorites for a while. I like anime-stuffs, I've just never really gone out of my way to watch it like some of my friends. :?


Just as an FYI, you're leeching from that site which I doubt they approve or appreciate. I love anime, and I mostly wear those ears to cons (AWA was last weekend!) and all that fun stuff, but I actually know Japanese fairly well and do NOT speak it in normal day-to-day life, and would DEFINITELY not label myself an "otaku," and can appreciate the humor in people who are like that.

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The same thing that's interesting about most foreign countries' cultures. It isn't the same as ours, so it's interesting. I love the USA and I have no plans on moving from here or anything, the Japanese just happen to have a pretty interesting culture. When I first started college and had to pick a language, incidentally, I wasn't even into anime and everything, I just picked Japanese because it looked harder than something that uses a regular alphabet and I wanted a challenge.

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