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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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The park is full of Gypsies today but I managed to get 10 consecutive rides on Nemesis before 10.


I hope they had giant man-eating birds like the SyFy movie Roadkill did last night! That would make the park way more exciting!

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Hey everyone!


I will be going to London next week (from thursday till tuesday) and would like to visit Alton Towers. One of my friends used an virgin trains ticket which includes train services from London, bus services from Stoke-on-Trent and admission all for a very good price. Now I couldn't find a deal like this online so hopefully someone of you London area locals can help me out with this. Are there still those kinds of special offers and if yes, where?

Otherwise I am probably not going to visit the park since 90 Pounds are too much for only the roun dtrip train ticket without anything else.

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Hey Der Der Dongt,


You probably won't find anything cheaper than £90. The cost of public transport in the UK is just going up and up. My advice is hit a park closer to London. Thorpe Park, Adventure Island, Chessington World of Adventures or Legoland. You could also try hitting Drayton Manor, whichever day you want to go there, from Euston to Tamworth is around about £15 for the round trip. You would have to get a taxi from Tamworth to Drayton Manor which would cost £5-£10 both ways. Also the entry to the park is cheaper and queues for rides are much much less normally. I went recently and everything was a walk on apart from Ben 10, well that is because it is new this year.


Hope this helps,




EDIT: Wrote this very quickly so made mistake about government taxation, anyway it is actually really cheap to go from Euston to Tamworth in order to get to Drayton Manor.

Edited by RollerCoasterSmi
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The government taxing public transport? Not quite sure about that one... It is just that some companies wish to charge excessive amounts at peak times on weekdays, as it's business rates. It is a lot less at weekends and outside of peak time.


Visit http://www.nationalrail.co.uk - click "include slower trains" under the train time selection. You should be able to get a return to Stoke for £30-£40 (I checked next Wednesday).


London 06:24

Stoke 09:13


BUS Stoke 9:30

Alton Towers 10:30


BUS Alton Towers 17:30

Stoke 18:30

Stoke 19:12

London 20:42



You can buy a combined bus / entrance ticket ON THE BUS for £40 per person. This includes entrance ticket and return bus.

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Another question, we will be staying at Days Hotel in Hounslow, according to the tfl.gov journey planner engineering works will be taking place early in the morning from the 13 till the 30 of June.


"Buses are expected to experience delays due to lane restrictions and temporary traffic light control during Victorian water main replacement work at the junction of High Street Brentford and Augustus Close from 0800 Monday 13 until 1700 Thursday 30 June."


Therefore I would have to take Bus N9 from Hounslow West to Green Park Underground in order to get to London Euston.

Now how bad are these delays usually? I don't want to risk missing the train at Euston so would it be enough if I took the bus leaving Hounslow at 5:52 and arriving at Green Park at 5:59 ?


That day trip turns out to be way more complicated than I expected.



Ok I could take the underground but would arrive at 6:12 with the train departing at 6:24

Is that doable?

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So a series of new posters have apparently appeared in Mutiny Bay, in the form of newspaper articles and adverts in the Pirate Theme.


This particular 'newspaper article' in Mutiny Bay looks very interesting...


Is the 'Flume: Unplugged' set to go? And is our new 'Secret Weapon' from Switzerland set to appear in it's place?


Or is this a Red Herring?


Oh this will get some interesting discussion....

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