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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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You can be certain this is coming, and it will be on a schedule to arrive in 2013 so I think we'll see it then. I like Thirteen, but I know a lot of people didn't, so I can't say I'm confident every enthusiast will be pleased.

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If this is the fact. I'm going back to one of my favorite parks!!! Hope it is The park itself is a reason for a visit... But, the more reasons,...


I didn't hate thirtheen! It's a verry nice coaster. More a chill kind of nice... The problem wasn't the coaster, but the campaign...

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This is very exciting. I know it was confirmed back during the Th13teen evening that they were looking into installing a thrill ride and a world first for SW7, but it is great to know that this is now definitely going ahead. Hoping they utilise some of their 'virgin land' (as John Wardley mentioned there is a lot of spare land in the property) instead of ripping out another ride for SW7 to take it's place. They do need to expand the park into areas that they can build a 'tad' higher (not so much that rides are visible from many areas of the park as the below tree level coasters add to the park's uniqueness) and where they are able to add theming that does not get cut out by the planners. Hoping the tent isn't used for this as it would be nice to see that used for a nice indoor family coaster.


Here's hoping we don't end up with another half arsed job for SW7 and that we end up with a world class roller coaster with high quality theming....and it would be nice for it to be a B&M or a Mack.

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"I love the smell of FRESH CUT LUMBER in the morning...."


It's time, Alton Towers... It's time. Do it. Make it. Get GCI on the phone, fly them over, and DO IT. You know you WANT to. You know you NEED it. Slip yourselves a BIG WOODIE- and watch the people scream in delight....

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Apparantly us Brits think woodies are unsafe.


That's what AT's marketing lot claimed when asked about a woodie in June 2010...



The GP are just affraid. Silly isn't it!

It's time, Alton Towers... It's time. Do it. Make it. Get GCI on the phone, fly them over, and DO IT. You know you WANT to. You know you NEED it. Slip yourselves a BIG WOODIE- and watch the people scream in delight....

I totally agree!

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I think it's because all the woodies in Britain are generally at old seaside resorts. It doesn't help that Big Dipper had an accident recently at PBB and that there isn't a proper modern woodie in England. Megafobia is about the newest in the UK but Oakwood is so far removed from most of civilization that nobody has been there to ride it. So all they know is G. National and co.

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Apparantly us Brits think woodies are unsafe.


That's what AT's marketing lot claimed when asked about a woodie in June 2010...



So Blackpool safely operating multiple 50+ year old woodies is not good enough to convince them?

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Alton Towers today revealed the first, sketchy information surrounding the world first coaster - coming in 2013.


The world's first coaster?! As a coaster enthusiast, I find that very exciting!


/This could change everything!

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Alton Towers today revealed the first, sketchy information surrounding the world first coaster - coming in 2013.


The world's first coaster?! As a coaster enthusiast, I find that very exciting!


/This could change everything!


So what have we been riding all these years then?

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Apparantly us Brits think woodies are unsafe.


That's what AT's marketing lot claimed when asked about a woodie in June 2010...



So Blackpool safely operating multiple 50+ year old woodies is not good enough to convince them?

Nope not even that. Roller coasters made of a material like wood are deemed less safe than steel coasters by the British public. It does not help when the old woodies in PBB end up having an accident, Big Dipper happened to have two in the space of a few months two years ago. These woodies are safe, the Big Dipper never had an accident until 2009. It is because of stupid things like that the British public are terrified of woodies. A survey conducted by Alton Towers confirmed that the public do not want a woodie and Merlin are unhappy to invest in a coaster which would not attract interest.

So as much as all Alton Towers fans want one, SW7 will not be a woodie.

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The world's first post Apocalypse coaster, yay.


With Alton's gift for exageration, it will probably be another glorified junior coaster. But you never know, they might have another Nemesis level coaster in them.


I can't belive the amount of money they spent on 13, for something so ordinary, that dropping track bit must have cost a fortune because the rest of the ride didn't reflect the cost to me.

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"Hint Hint" Valley coaster "Hint Hint"



As much as I would like to see a Wooden Coaster at Alton Towers, the Cross Valley coaster is certainly never going to happen, there were too many planning issues with the Trees that currently reside in its path.


Also, Thorpe have done some market research into Wooden Coasters and the return on their investment would take too long to make it worthwhile, you've got to remember, they are a Business and are looking for a new attraction that will not only thrill the visitors, but will be enough of a draw to increase attendance numbers and recoop the cost of the installation!


I would strongly guess there will not be the sound of wheels running over wood in 2013


I love it when Alton announce new projects, they are very good at creating secrecy around them, although they may have gone overboard on the Scary side of Th13teen, they certainly got everyone talking! I can't wait for (like Robb said) the rumour mill to start up for the next couple of years!

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With Alton's gift for exageration, it will probably be another glorified junior coaster. But you never know, they might have another Nemesis level coaster in them.


I can't belive the amount of money they spent on 13, for something so ordinary, that dropping track bit must have cost a fortune because the rest of the ride didn't reflect the cost to me.

IIRC, SW7 will cater to thrillseekers.


World's first launched wooden coaster. Since the British think woodies aren't as safe, AT can squeeze tons of perfect marketing out of this. Then toss few inversions into the mix and you've got a world first and a record breaker.


Just throwing something out there.

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I hope Alton realise that by messing with the "4 year rule" they could effectively rip a hole in the space time continuom and all of Alton will get swallowed up by a black hole vortex thingy.................


Think about it....


1994, Nemesis

1998, Oblivion

2002, Air

2006, Rita

2010, Th13teen

2013.....Thats just not Right!!!!!



Edit, just realised I got my dates wrong........Rita was 2005.....oh well, ignore me

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It might be where Spinball is:


- Alton Towers are moving or even scrapping Spinball to a new location within the next ten years.

- Some sources suggest that it will be moved/scrapped in 2013 when the deal with Sega expires.

- The new roller coaster is coming in 2013...COINCIDENCE???


It may be in the valley:


- They suggested the woody with a 200ft drop before...then scrapped it

- What is to stop them using it again.

- The fact it is a valley allows them to build things higher.


It could be in the Black Hole tent:


- Alton Towers have suggested using it a couple of times.

- X Sector is one of the thrill parts of the park.

- Unlikely as it may not be big enough.




Their are only three companies that will produce a roller coaster for >£15 million:


- Mack

- Intamin

- B&M


Mack seems unlikely as their only big thrill model is a launch (they already have Rita)

Intamin seems plausible (Colossus cost £13.5 million, the 12 looper model (if built) will probably cost >£15million)

B&M seems most likely (Alton's best rides are B&M + Merlin has gone B&M mad)

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It could be in the Black Hole tent:


- Alton Towers have suggested using it a couple of times.

- X Sector is one of the thrill parts of the park.

- Unlikely as it may not be big enough.

They could possibly build a hole in it to make space for maybe a EuroFighter or something familiar.

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I don't think anyone should discount a wooden coaster- especially now more than ever. The publicity gained from something different is worth its weight in gold- not to mention that AT doesn't have anything quite in that demographic. Add in the ability to do a terrain coaster well (GCI? GCI? Please contact the MD's office- GCI!) and you could have a real visual, televised personality with flair.


(GCI, GCI, Please contact the MD's office... GCI!)

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