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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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  Jew said:
Just based on the articles, it really seems like Dan Koch is looking to cash in on the park.


Dan really cares about the park. He has said in articles that he wants his kids and Will's kids to run it one day.


Also, when it comes to the park's future. Dan has pretty much told me that it won't be very much affected by who is technically in charge. Both parties have the park's best interests in mind. Instead of picking sides, a wise woman told me it's better to just be "Team Holiday World." This hiccup will not stop the park from blossoming where it will be the best park combo in the country for the price in 10 to 15 years. It's future is definitely bright.


Now....let's talk about what kind of steel coaster we want HW to add in the future.

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At this point, I really don't care if it's Dan or Lori running the park. I just want them to resolve the issue so we can all stop talking about it and get Mrs. Koch back into a more public role in the park. I've really missed seeing her greeting guest this season as you walked into the park.


  HWFan said:
Now....let's talk about what kind of steel coaster we want HW to add in the future.


Everybody wants to see a Intamin Mega-Lite, but I would prefer to see a custom design. I'm really intrigued by what MACK might be able to give HW. A family launched coaster like Cheetah Hunt (which I know is Intamin) with a couple of inversions would really fit the park well. If the park goes with MACK, that means no over the shoulder restraints, plus a couple of really cool side features. Since HW likes to set a few world records along the way, I could see them going for the world's longest launched coaster or something like that.

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^^He cared about it so much he had a law practice in Florida until tragedy brought him back to the park?


Waiting until nearly the last day to submit his lower offer allegedly against the purchase agreement reeks of a "I'm going to try to use my lawyer smarts to pull a fast one on them" move.


Family feuds rarely end well for the family members or the business: http://www.boston.com/business/gallery/familyfeuds?pg=11


And that's just a slideshow of Boston area businesses. I think a more notable one would be how bad the 49er's were until recently while that family feud played out and subsequently hurt the franchise...

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Here's an article that kind of explains the ownership history of the park and details about how the family feud started. http://newsandtribune.com/local/x6224479/Family-feud-rattles-Holiday-World


I will say this, no matter what, Dan will still own at least 40% of the corporation and park. They'll eventually have to settle things.


  Jew said:
He cared about it so much he had a law practice in Florida until tragedy brought him back to the park?


I don't know what Dan's personal interest are right now, but he did play a behind the scenes role with park before Will died. He's said that him and Will would talk about the park and the parks future daily. He said one of the last conversations he had with Will, played into the descion to build Mammoth. Here's a Holiblog from 2009 With Will, Dan, Lori, and Mrs. Koch at IAAPA. Obviously,these were much better times for the family and the park. http://www.holidayworld.com/holiblog/family-rides-together

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^ Ha. I have a screenshot of that blog entry because of how ironic it is (like the one called "Dan gets the Boot").


There's even some of Dan's youtube videos still set on private even though most were put back on public.


When it comes to Pat, I talked to her after mass after Holiwood Nights. She's taking it really hard. She was really happy to hear that the silent auction was still to benefit her museum. She's not going to be back unless Dan is back. She said she's sticking with her kids as any mom would do.


She's the main reason I want Dan back. I really don't care between him and Lori. I just want Pat back. She really misses the park. She wants to be back. For me, that's all I want.

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So I was rummaging through some old family photo books and came across some retro photos of Firecracker, Holiday World's *second steel coaster!

I believe these photos were taken around 1994, which was the year I was born.


I believe this coaster was replaced by Holidog Fun Town.




Can anyone guess what sits behind this ride today?

Edited by ZeroGravity55
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Does anyone recall why their second steel coaster was removed?


Edit, just watched the video, forget the other steel coasters, why did the get rid of the dancing chicken?


Paula, thanks for that video!

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  Moose said:
Does anyone recall why their second steel coaster was removed?


I really have no idea why it was removed. It was removed in 1997, but Holidog Fun Town wasn't added until 1999. I'm assuming it had something to do with maintenance. The ride was nearly 20 years old when it was removed.

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I think this was coming. Obviously these trains should only be put on already smooth coasters that need new trains. And those are kind of hard to find. You either have a really rough ride with an uncomfortable train (like the Boss at SFSTL) or a smooth ride with a great train (like American Thunder at SFSTL or Outlaw Run at SDC).


I really hope Holiday World decides to have RMC add Topper Track and RMC's new trains (I think they're called Gen 1 or something?). They don't even need to add any inversions. Just making the ride smooth would be awesome.

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You have to think that HW has been following the Timberliners on Hades 360. The whole goal with this project was to make the Voyage re-rideable and it's very evident from all the reports from Hades 360, that it's not re-rideable or rideable at all. If the trains can't make the coaster re-rideable, it doesn't make sense for the park to continue with the project.


I think they should now focus their money on permanently fixing the Voyage with RMC track and trains.

Edited by ZeroGravity55
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